Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024



What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Welcome to Maryamsjoyfullife Blog! Thank you for checking out my post today! Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the pink elephant 🐘in the room and that is my consistency 🤣🤣🤣

Have you all noticed how consistent I have been the last few days? 🤣🤩 I’m so proud of myself! Staying on top of my blog is now my priority and I’m intentionally showing up for you guys who need doses of Maryamsjoyfullife inspiration daily or weekly. 

Today’s post is about single moms and women currently going through a divorce. 

I filmed a video about “Child Support!” 

In the video, I gave the following reasons why you should stop fighting and forcing your ex to pay child support!

Reasons Why you should stop Fighting For Child Support:

  1. Because it breaks your heart when you keep fighting for it.
  2. Because they control you.
  3. Because you give your power away.
  4. It makes you feel helpless

        Do These instead:

  1. Cry out to God for your portion.
  2. Ask God to remove hate and resentment from your heart.
  3. Ask for what you want on your knees in prayer.
  4. Pray for peace in your heart. 
  5. Start reading books and listening to bawse ladies who have overcome big things in their lives. 
  6. Know that if one woman can do it, so can you!
  7. Know that Help will come!
  8. Ask the Spirit for guidance.
  9. You will surely win!

I believe in you and if I can do it, so can you! I still have big goals that I’m going after and I know that I will achieve them sooner than later because I have history with God! God is really for us and we have to realize that!

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Six Tips for Making Healthy Meals the Whole Family Can Enjoy|| Marlene


Happy new month everyone. Welcome to Maryamsjoyfullife! It is a beautiful day indeed because I had the inspiration to start collaborating with guest writers. In today's post, we have an amazing guest writer by the name Marlene from, sharing some valuable living tips with us. Please enjoy!

Six Tips for Making Healthy Meals the Whole Family Can Enjoy

In the typical American family, either both parents work, or in many families separated by

divorce, single parents are raising the kids. They come home from work and haven’t seen the

kids since early in the morning, and no one has the energy to cook. But eating healthy doesn’t

have to be difficult and it will help you get through the days so you can concentrate on the things

that matter.

picture from

It’s tempting to hit the drive-thru several times per week, but as part of an overall effort to make

smarter choices regarding your overall well being, eating healthy is important and good eating

habits can be developed without too much effort. Maryam's Joyful Life shares six tips to help

you prepare nutritious meals that everyone will enjoy.

1. Healthy Eating Starts in the Kitchen

The easiest way to ensure that your family eats healthily is by preparing meals yourself. When

you sit down at a restaurant, all you know for sure is that it tastes good. It’s best to eat at home.

One way to overcome some of the drudgery of cooking day after day is to not skimp on

cookware. When you use the best cookware you feel special. And you’ll feel even more special

after dinner because it will be easier to clean.

As you become more experienced preparing meals at home, you may want to consider making

upgrades to your kitchen. A modernized kitchen can be especially attractive to buyers if you

plan on selling your home.

2. Introduce Salads Into Your Meals

A great way to reduce the number of calories your family eats, while adding more nutritional

value and keeping the meal filling, is to include a salad with lunch and dinner. By using healthy

greens, mixed with other veggies, fruits, or nuts, you feel less hungry when you begin the main

course. You can grow your own herbs and lettuces all year round with an indoor garden.

During the warmer months, an outdoor garden can be a constant source of cheap organic

greens. If you don’t want to share with wildlife, consider fencing in your garden for less than

what building raised beds would cost. Average labor costs are $30–$50 per hour according to

Inch Calculator, while wooden fencing is $16 per foot and chain link is $13 per foot. Your plants

will thank you.

3. Skip Out On Red Meats

Not all proteins are equal and some foods are known to put your health at a higher risk than

others. Recent studies cited on have shown that regularly eating red meats can

lead to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If you can’t quit red meat

altogether, it’s okay in moderation. Otherwise, try to prepare your meals with chicken or fish, or

with vegetable proteins like peanuts or tofu.

Having an outdoor grill or range is a great option for preparing your meats of choice. You can

even add a range hood, a table, and some seating to make a great spot outside for sharing

meals and entertaining. Things just taste better straight off the grill.

4. Replace Carbs with Veggies

Not all carbohydrates are bad, but some are definitely better for you than others. When you

make pasta or a rice-based dish, you are adding lots of calories. You can give your meals a

healthier base by switching to veggies instead. Vegetables such as squash or zucchini can

serve as a substitute for a wide range of foods, giving meals more nutritional value while also

cutting back on carbohydrates.

5. Make Fruits Your New Treat

After dinner, your family will be pining for something cold and sweet to eat as a treat. Of course,

you can’t have sweet treats without consuming foods laden with calories and sugar, right? Well,

not all desserts come with a high-calorie count. The secret is to stick to fruit.

Smoothies are easy to make and can be made from just a handful of your favorite fruits. Add a

dollop of vanilla yogurt to chopped strawberries and you have an incredible dessert on your

hands. Even eating fruit on its own can make a delicious treat the whole family can enjoy.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

It’s vital to stay properly hydrated to effectively deal with the summer heat, but consuming a lot

of caffeine can make that more difficult for your body. Be mindful of the amount of caffeine you

consume each day. It can show up in surprising sources, such as Sunkist orange soda. If you

notice that you’re becoming dehydrated, try replacing some caffeinated beverages with water.

You don’t have to be a professional chef to prepare incredible meals. You don’t need to be a

health guru to provide your family with food that has high nutritional value. With these tips in

mind, it’s time to get in the kitchen and start cooking.

Check out Marlene at

Thank you for your time today!



To read more about lifestyle, family, food, and travel, visit Maryam’s Joyful Life today!

Picture is from pexels

Thursday, September 22, 2022



Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today. I hope you are all doing great. today is a beautiful day. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life.

In today's blog, I wanted to share the importance of enjoying time away from your home and home cooked meals with your family. I have come to see the importance of making a change every now and again. Being at home with family and making dinner, day in and day out is all amazing and sweet but it can also become boring. In my case, I cook, clean and work at home. While I'm grateful for the convenience, it can become boring and uninspiring and this is why I make it a habit to take my kids out to eat food cooked by someone else.

The kids and I went to Applebees to have dinner and it was good. We liked our waitress. She was kind and our food was delivered ontime. You can see pictures of our food on the blog. Our dessert was delicious too

Onion rings and bread sticks were yummy too.

I ordered the endless wings and fries. Couldnt make it past my first batch.

Prior to taking the kids to Applebees, I had shown Zoe the menu to choose what she might eat. I think this is another fun twist you can bring to your family. You can make a plan to take them out and build up the excitement leading up to the date but reviewing the menu and looking at pictures of the food on the restaurant's website. Our dessert, we decided on before we arrived at the restaurant because Zoe and I saw the picture and decided we would order it.
Make takign your kids out to eat a fun event you all plan towards. It would bring more family memories and things to talk about later with them.
I really enjoy going out and circulating my money at different fun spots and restaurants with my kids. 
Here's the video to see our full adventures:

I think it's great for our mental health too, lol.
Thank you for checking out my blog today. I hope you were inspired.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!

Monday, January 10, 2022



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day and I am very excited to be blogging. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Are you currently going through a devastating life change? Do you feel like it's over for you? Is it so painful that you can't bring yourself to believe things can change? Well, I have good news for you. IT CAN CHANGE!

See, the reason you feel depressed and hopeless is because you did all you could but it obviously didn't work. Now let me introduce you to the God in you, who is always for you. As long as you keep trying to manipulate situations on your own, you will continue to re-create the same old pain. I know this from experience. I was struggling for years and didn't know what else to do. I prayed, fasted and studied the Word but nothing seemed to change until I did something different.

Here's what I did, I stopped trying too hard and praying too hard. I just started giving thanks and expressing my pain to God, declaring that God can handle it and even at the moment was in control. Then I took it a step further, I began to declare that I am a child of God and I deserve to be happy, joyful and free. The more I did that, the more the enemy was upset but that was not my concern. I just continued to focus on the blessing and power of God. Guess what? Everything changed for me. Things didn't change for me before I changed. I noticed that as I changed my perspective, everything around me couldn't help but also change to match my new perspective.

What if instead of focusing on the disappointment, you focus on the blessings you already have? 

What if instead of trying to get back at those who broke you, you focus on the strength that you already have?

What if instead of talking about the problems, you focus on God's Omniscience? 

We have made a religion out of worry and fear. We somehow have deluded ourselves to believe that we can change our lives by focusing on the pain and things that broke us but that's the very reason we are suffering. You energize and empower whatever you focus on.

Here's a better "what if": What if we focused on solution, instead of the problems? What if we get excited about the blessing we are about to see, instead of the pain staring us in the face?

In my life, I have seen God show up for me over and over again because I FOCUSED ON GOD! God is always the ANSWER to whatever you may be going through. I dare you to try God and you will see mountains become mole hills and valleys become mountains and seas dry up and problems become promotions.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you well. Today, I wanted to share a little bit of an update with you all. Are you ready?

My kids are fine and thriving. Why wouldn't they be? They have a mom who puts God in the center of everything and  there's no other way to go but up from here. I am doing great and I also give Glory to God and my never backing down attitude. I am a bull when it comes to going after my goal. If the Bible tells me that victory is already mine, then I have to act like it is. I do that in  how I work and how interested I am in life and also how I carry myself. Although sometimes, I think some people around me expect me to be rude or dumb but I know better than to play out to their expectations.

I really am grateful for the practice of meditation. It just grounds me and gets me in a place of clarity and power. I just know no matter what is going on, I am already a success, it is just a matter of time before it materializes. Why am I telling you all of this? There are people who follow me and think that it is an easy ride for me. In some ways it is, but the reason for my strength is mostly my faith in God. Now, I have to warn you. My faith is not blind or weak. It is faith that declares "There is a way," when there's obviously no way. It is faith that trusts God even in uncertain times. Good news is God ALWAYS SHOWS UP!

Watch today's video:

When you trust God, all things work out for you. Don't trust God and then worry yourself to death. Trust God and then go have fun like; walk in nature, read a good book, bless someone with some food or clothes you have not worn in a while. Just do something nice for someone, while you wait for your harvest; whatever that may be for you.

To conclude this, I am looking forward to an amazing life and each day I live it to the fullest!

God is always good!

Don't Let anyone steal you Joy!


Friday, September 10, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely friends. I hope this meets you in good spirits. I am so happy to be posting a blog this morning. Hope you are keeping your heart from negative energy.

Today, I want to share a lesson that I learned with you. I have come to the realization that whenever there is a worthwhile goal you are going after, there will be obstacles all about you that will try to stop you. Obstacles in the form of negative thoughts, people and things. From my experience and keen observation, it has become clear to me that these forces intend to keep you from experiencing growth and fulfilment. The reason I have become aware of it is because I meditate and I watch. I am observant of my energy and the energy all about me. 

Trust me when I say the negativity is everywhere but you are stronger than it. Have you ever tried to do a whole lot of things but felt overwhelmed? But when you broke that whole lot of things to little tasks, you were able to complete it. Then you looked back and wondered why you were overwhelmed in the first place? Well, I have. It is all about perspective. The spirit of fear is what keeps us from achieving what we desire to achieve. We are afraid of failing, rejection, death, people's judgement and just plain afraid of nothing. 

Want to watch my latest vlog:

I go after what I want these days inspite of the fear that tries to cripple me. I get up and do the work I have to do, inspite of the spirit that wants to keep me stuck. The name of the game is MOVE! Get MOVING! When you feel heavy, stand up and get moving. When you are overthinking, get up and get moving. Movement shakes off the rut and clears the way for the good you want, to flow into your life.

Today, I got up and got moving. That's how things get done. Don't get in your own way by overthinking what has to be done. 

Don't let anybody steal your joy and don't you steal your own joy!


Saturday, July 31, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you are having a good day and are not allowing anyone or thing steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day.

In today's post, I want to share some amazing secrets to having a long lasting union from one of the most respected men I know. He has been a blessing to me and many others I know and I have heard about. He is a father, a husband and an inspiration. I have watched  him shine his light amongst youngsters and older people for years and he just keeps shining. I have no doubt the reason he always shines bright is because of his heart of service to others. His no other than my Col. Sam Ahmedu. He is a leader in the Nigerian Basketball Association and also a leader in Africa. I can not express completely how inspired I am by him but I can say that I have seen him help many people and he never stops. I am just thankful to know him.

It is his 35th wedding Anniversary and I asked his permission to share his secrets with my readers all over the world and he humbly agreed. His humility is no surprise to me as I am in awe of how amazing of a father he is to all who have had the privilege to be in his presence. I am so thankful to share his response to my questions. Please read and be inspired.

Question: How long have you been married?

Col. Sam: 35 years(26, July 1986)

Question: What quality do you love most about your wife?

Col. Sam: Her simplicity, honesty, supports me in all I do and she is a good mother who appreciates family values.

Question: What makes a great home?

Col. Sam: The art of sharing and having trust in one another.

Question: What is the greatest virtue to keep a home?

Col. Sam: Family first above all other things. And keep family problems to yourselves.

Question: Any advise to Younger people?

Col. Sam: Learn to forgive each other, never go to bed without resolving any disagreement and learn to say I am sorry.

Well there you have it everyone. I want to say how thankful I am that Col. Sam took the time to answer my questions. I must say that he is just amazing like that.

May his marriage and union continue to flourish like I know it will in Jesus Name. Amen!

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Saturday, July 24, 2021


What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and amazing people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It is a beautiful day. I hope you are all having a good weekend. Today is a good day. Today, I want to share what to do when you are confused. I have gone into details on a recent video. Please watch and you will gain a whole lot from it.
Why are you confused? The reason is because you are too close to the situation. Step back from that situation and watch it like you are watching a movie. Say to yourself it is well with you.
Step back and go to your closet and pray and meditate. I especially like the Psalm 23, 91 and Matthew 6:33. Learn to surrender everything to God and give thanks like everything is already handled and you will see God's glory. For more, please watch the following video.

 Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Saturday, July 17, 2021



Throwback from when Zoe was cooking in my oven.

What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I hope this weekend is your best yet.

I was pregnant with anger, resentment, fear, worry, anxiety and comparison but did not know it. For years, I wondered why things were not happening the way I wanted. I prayed, gave money to prophets and pastors but it was always like my sin were too deep for God to forgive me so I had to suffer. This continued until I decided to seek God's face differently. How long and how many times do I need to ask for mercy for things to change for the better? 

After all, compared to some people I knew and had heard of, I was a saint! Why did I keep hearing these so called prophets talk about sin and forgiveness.

Well, the unanswered prayers and recurring pain led me to discover God for me. I found out that the more I focused on what was not working for me, the more of that I had. It led me to become mindful of where I focused. God NEVER keeps good things from me, I keep myself from accessing God's good by harboring all sorts of negative energies. These negative emotions are stored up in the Solar plexus area and build up like pregnancy. This pregnancy gives birth to more of the same negative cycles. 

Right now, I can gladly say that since I started meditating and focus on the things I want and the goodness of God, I am no longer controlled by my solar plexus. I have no use for negative energies. 
I acknowledge that God is good and all that I want is already available to me. Now, I just raise my vibration in gratitude and connect to the good I want. Giving thanks that I already have it and expect it to show up by God's grace. The good news is, it always shows up! 

Truly God's ways are beyond finding out. His Grace abounds for us all.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!

Operate in LOVE always!


Tuesday, July 13, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out Maryamsjoyfullife, we are glad you are here.

Today, I want to share my favorite mashed potato recipe with you. I hope you like it because it is very easy to make and simply delicious. Enjoy!


What you will need:

2lbs idaho potatoes

4 cups of water

‘½ cup whole milk

⅓ cup butter

½ tsp salt

A deep soup pot

A masher


Peel potato and cut into ½ pieces

Place in pot and add water

Cook over medium high heat for about 20 minute or until potatoes are very soft

Drain excess water

Turn stove down to low heat

Add salt, butter and milk 

mash with a masher until potatoes, butter, and milk combine perfectly

Use a wooden spoon to bring it together

Turn off stove and let sit for 5 minutes

Now you are ready to enjoy!

Don't let anybody steal your joy!

picture is from GOOGLE.COM

Monday, July 12, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this post meets you well. Today is a beautiful day. Today is the start of the work week and I wanted to share a recent experience with you. I hope that you find inspiration in this one.

So I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck and knew I needed to get out of the house to shake off that feeling. Then I decided to go check on the dining set I had put money down on. I got my kids ready,  got into the car and drove off to American Signature Furniture. The moment I got there, I felt better because I was looking at different furniture and beautiful arrangements. It was a whole new  atmosphere and I noticed a difference in my energy level. The more I walked around in the store, the better I felt.

Here is what I have learned about changing your energy; whenever you feel stuck, go for a walk, take a drive or exercise. Whatever you do, just don't sit there. The reason for this is because when energy becomes stale or stagnant, depression comes in. You don't want to get to a place where you feel stuck because that is where negativity sets in. Life is about movement and energy is everything. If your energy is low, your interest rate is low. By interest I mean your inspiration or desire to live joyfully is low. If your desire is to feel energized, inspired and joyful, the moment you perceive that you are feeling stuck, get up and do something about it. Go for a walk, exercise or go to your favorite store. 

I felt better when I got home. Here's something else I do when I feel stuck, I open the doors and windows in my house to let fresh air come in. If you don't want to go out, opening your doors and windows will change the energy in your house and you will feel better.

Don't let anyone steal your!


cashapp $maryamsjoyfullife


Saturday, July 10, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day. It is always a privilege to share with you on maryamsjoyfullife blog.

Today, I want to tell you about Lazarus from the book of John 11. See Lazarus was sick and the situation was getting worse by the hour. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus and his sisters sent the news to Jesus so he could come by and heal their brother. They thought that since Jesus loved Lazarus, Jesus would come by in a hurry to heal him before the worse happened. Though Jesus loved Lazarus as he does everyone of us, he didn't show up when the sisters and everyone expected him to.

Lazarus died and had been buried for three days before Jesus came to the scene. In the Jewish culture at the time; from what I have heard ministers say, if someone has died for three days, it is impossible for them to come back to life again. So, when Jesus showed up on the scene, everyone who was mourning said if he had been there earlier, Lazarus would not have died but now it was too late. When Lazarus's sister heard that Jesus had arrived, she went to him and said it was too late, if only he had been there while he was still alive, Jesus would've been able to heal him. Jesus told her that if she believed, she would see the glory of God. 

To cut the story short, Jesus asked them to roll away the stone at Lazarus's tomb and the he called out in a loud voice "Lazarus, come forth." And Lazarus came out in his grave clothes. He then asked them to lose him and let him go. The one who had been dead, was brought back to life again. 

You may currently be in what may seem like a dead situation but I dare you to believe that even right now, God is working in that situation to bring it to life again. Surrender that situation to God and declare that it is now a living situation. God is always with us. Even when it seems like we are alone, God is right there with us.

I encourage you to keep your faith alive and speak life over any seemingly dead situation in your life. I believe and declare in the Name of Jesus Christ Lazarus come forth!

Make sure to listen to my latest episode on Unshakable Faith Podcast: it is sure to bless you.

Don't Let Anyone steal your joy!


My store:

Cashapp: $maryamsjoyfullife


Wednesday, June 16, 2021



Good morning everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It is a beautiful day and I am very grateful for this day. God is good and I am thankful.

Today, I choose happy. Today, I choose abundance in my thoughts, my actions and activities. I don't know about you, but I make this promise to myself today, that I am choosing to live abundantly in every way.

It may have been difficult up until now, but you are here now. God is for you and this is YOUR DAY! This is MY DAY and it is a gift I choose to receive abundantly and give of myself and talents abundantly. I am choosing happiness today. What about you?

As much as I have lived, I have discovered that your intentions shape your world. Today, I intend to have a wonderfully abundant day!

It is a good day and a good morning. You are wonderful. I had to remind you of that. 

As you approach this day, seek first God's Kingdom. Trust in the Lord and commit all that is bothering you into God's hands and give thanks that YOUR GOD has taken care of it. Then go about your day with a heart of gratitude expecting your miracle.

I feel it in my bones. This is a day of many miracles. 

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Disclaimer: picture is from

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 Good afternoon wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. It is always a privilege to post these articles. I am super excited for this one.

So, I want to talk about The Law of Attraction. There's millions of posts about it but seems not many people understand it. The Law of attraction is a secondary natural Law. The Primary law is The Law of Vibration. It states that we attract to ourselves whatever we are in harmony with. Let me break it down further. When you think about a sandwich and hold onto that thought, you will get a sandwich. It is either someone gives you a sandwich or you get that sandwich by yourself. If you still hold on to the thought, throughout your day, you will find yourself listening to people talk about a sandwich and you will also come across pictures of sandwiches. 

These are the pennies I picked up earlier.

Earlier this morning, when I went out for a run, I came across a penny on the sidewalk. I told myself that I would pick it up after my first run around the block, if it is still there. Guess what? After three laps around the block, I decided to go for that penny. While I was cooling down with a walk around the block, I found a penny. While I kept walking, I found another penny and then another and another. Before I got to the penny that I had promised myself I would pickup, I had almost 10 pennies and a quarter. 

Here's what I understand about The Law of Attraction, you will find what you are looking for if you hold on to the thought and the feeling that you already have it. When you focus on what you want and not worry about how it is going to come to you, you have LET GO AND LET GOD! Each time you let go and let God, you will experience speedy manifestation of the good you desire.

We are tempted to worry about what we don't have, not knowing that we are missing the gift of the present moment. Each time we worry about what we don't have, we are saying dear God, we don't want what we need. Feeling is a powerful force. If you stay with the feeling of gratitude for what you have and what you desire, you will draw more of what you want into your life every single time.

The Law of attraction is a natural law that comes into play when we have a certain feeling about something or someone. If we allow a feeling of hate or resentment, we will attract more of that into our lives. 

For those among you reading this, currently going through a financial crisis, try to focus on the amount of money that will take care of your needs. Think about it and give thanks for 90 seconds. Don't entertain any feeling of negativity. Do that as often as you can and I promise, you will notice the difference in your body, consciousness and wallets.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Thursday, April 29, 2021


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It’s always a joy to write a post that will inspire you and me. I hope this meets you in great spirit. 
Today is a day of many blessings no matter what your current situation may be. I dare you to declare that this is a day of many blessings for you and your family.

See, I have been through some stuff and for most of you, the stuff you are aware of about me should've killed me, but I'm still standing and thriving. It is unbelievable and many of you wonder how this is so-that someone who has a lot of haters would be shining and so happy, like I am. Well, I have news for you, my secret is God.

It may sound cliché but it is the truth. I don't acknowledge that God is my salvation just because it sounds cute. NO NO! See, believing in God's timely help is a science that never fails. I just throw myself in the Universal substance of God with reckless abandonment. I refuse to concentrate on what is going wrong or what could go wrong. I instead, trust that since God is harmonious, then that harmony will penetrate and saturate any chaos and bring it to God's perfect control. 

My dear friends, God is not somewhere far from you but with you and within you. God is always willing and ready to help us but we are mostly in love with our pain. We may not acknowledge that we are in love with our pain, but truth is, we are.
When all we talk about, think about and fear is the thing that is wrong with us, that is a way of saying we are in love with it. Until we stop loving it by refusing to talk about it or think about, we won't see any change in our lives.
Check out my new book "Two Worlds, One Hear,"

Here's how to stop loving your pain. Start loving the ideal life that you'd rather have. Start thinking, talking and dreaming about the joy you want, the peace you desire and the wealth you want. See, when we replace the things we fear with the things we love, our lives begin to change.
My life has changed and will continue to change for the better because I am consciously choosing what I think about now and love. 
I hope this helped you, as it did me.

Don't let anyone steal your joy. Don't steal your joy!

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 What's up everyone? I hope this email meets you well. Today is a great day and the sun is shining bright outside. I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Thank you all for checking out my blog today. 

I was just thinking about what to share today and this thought came to me. What if the thing or person you're pursuing doesn't work out? What do you do? What should you do? How do you deal with the disappointment and pain? 

Well, here's how I have dealt with such disappointments. I cry for a second and then let it GO!

The fact that something or someone didn't workout like you expected, doesn't mean your life has to be over. If you tried everything to ensure you had your happy ending but it still didn't workout? Be proud of yourself, bless the situation and have faith or keep the hope that better is coming to you. The truth is, in every situation that you give your best but didn't get the best from, there's better always come after the disappointment. Life is too precious to dwell on people and things that didn't workout. Your happiness doesn't end with the ones who left or the things that didn't work out. In fact, your happiness is always with you. Happiness is who you are. 

Don't get stuck on what didn't happen and get excited for what you would love to happen. Life is in the livingness of it. How can you truly be about the business of living while stuck on the past?

I encourage you today, get up, look up, dust off and keep moving. Get excited about greater and better opportunities awaiting you NOW.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Friday, March 12, 2021


What’s up, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this post meets you well. I was thinking about what to share today and it popped. Here’s what I want to share. Excerpts from a book by Florence Scovel Shin. This book “The Game of Life and How to Play It,” is amazing. Here’s a few excerpts that popped to me. Enjoy:

“The robbers of time are the past and the future. Man should bless the past, and forget it, if it keeps him in bondage, and bless the future, knowing it has in store for him endless joys, but live fully in the now.”

“It is man’s divine right to have plenty! More than enough!
“His barns should be full, and his cup should flow over!” This is God’s idea for man, and when man breaks down the barriers of lack in his own consciousness, the Golden Age will be his, and every righteous desire of his heart fulfilled!”

“Man receives only that which he gives. The Game of Life is a game of boomerangs. Man’s thoughts, deeds and words, return to him sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.
This is the law of Karma, which is Sanskrit for “Comeback.” “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

“This is the perfect idea of man, registered in Divine Mind, awaiting man’s recognition; for man can only be what he sees himself to be, and only attain what he sees himself attaining.
“Nothing ever happens without an on-looker” is an ancient saying.
Man sees first his failure or success, his joy or sorrow, before it swings into visibility from the scenes set in his own imagination. We have observed this in the mother picturing disease for her child, or a woman seeing success for her husband.
Jesus Christ said, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
So, we see freedom (from all unhappy conditions) comes through knowledge – a knowledge of Spiritual Law.”

Excerpt From
The Game of Life and How to Play It
Florence Scovel Shinn & GP Editors
This material may be protected by copyright.

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope your day is going well. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I am grateful for you.

In today's post, I want to wish you well. I just want to say that you are valuable. You are loved. You are amazing. You are wonderful. You're worthy. You are deserving. Everything you touch prospers. You are one of a kind. You are gorgeous and attractive. You are needed. 

You are not your past mistakes. You're not your failures. You are not unlovable. You are not undesirable. You are not unproductive. You are not a loser. You are not unworthy. You are not a failure. You are not unattractive. You are not alone. 

Everything good and noble that you feel and think you are not, you actually are. Your creator made you every good thing that you think and have been hypnotized to believe that you are not. You are one with God and God is all and in all. God is perfection and harmony. God is all there is. Therefore, you are all the good and amazingness that you have been deceived to think and feel you are not.

Until you change your belief in the separation and unworthiness, nothing will change really. I want to encourage you to start speaking to yourself like God would speak to you. God would never call you unworthy, so don't call yourself unworthy. God would never reject you, so don't you dare reject you.

The Bible says "perfect love casts out fear." God's love for you is all that you need in order to see that you're already all that you think you're lacking. 

Go into your day filled with the assurance that God is for you, in you and with you. If God be for you, who can be against you? NO ONE!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Friday, February 12, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you’re having a great day. Thank you for checking out my blog today. 
Today, I’d like to ask a few questions and the goal for these questions is to expose the lie you and I have believed. 
Who told you that you were not good enough for the love that you desire? Who told you that good things can only happen to certain people but not you? 
Who told you that resources are scarce and you can only have a limited amount? Who told you that God wants you to live poor, beat down and miserable? Who told you that your best days are behind you or will never come? Who told you that your past mistakes and failures determine your future?
Who told you that your riches are in heaven so live poor and miserable now for future blessings? Who told you that you don’t deserve good things? Who told you pain, sickness and shame are a part of life? Who told you that?
Whose lies have you believed?
The God in you doesn’t recognize conditions and past failures. The God in you is not limited by circumstance or anyone. The God in you is so BIG that nothing or NO ONE can limit your God.
Here’s how you keep yourself from the blessings of peace, love, joy, beauty and abundance. You think you’re not enough and you fill your mind with images and stories of why you’re not enough. Stop it right now!
Start calling yourself blessed. Start seeing yourself blessed. Start acting blessed and start speaking the blessing over your life. Reject the old pattern of thinking and belief in lack, pain, sickness and not enough and start seeing the abundance of God which surrounds you everyday. 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Sunday, December 6, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy? Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

It's been very cold in Georgia the past two weeks. Each morning, the temperature has been between 25- 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have kids who go to school in the morning, you will know that it's not fun getting out in that cold. Well, last week, it was below freezing and very windy on Monday morning. Le'Veon had school but I knew better than to get my baby out there in such a weather. I wanted to still take him to school in spite of the weather  but my car had other plans. Even my battery was too cold to pick up that morning. I needed someone to help jump off my car. So, I was blessed to see one of neighbors out at their car that morning. I asked her to help jump me off and she did. While I was talking to her, I came to find out she was an educator doing remote learning with her students. I asked her opinion about the weather and she said it was very cold and my son wouldn't be missing anything if he didn't go to school that day. I knew I had already made up my mind not to take him to school, I just kinda wanted a second opinion lol. 

Most of the time, we know the answer to the questions in our hearts  but we are always seeking for these answers outside of us. I believe we should all learn to trust the guidance within us more. 

Let me get to the miracle part. For the rest of the week, my battery needed to be jumped by a running car in order to come alive. Well, a couple of days ago, I woke up, meditated, prayed and fed the kids breakfast. I was looking forward to have help starting my battery from a neighbor but was so surprised when I pressed the button on my car keys and my car came alive. I put the key in the ignition and it started. I celebrated like I had just won a lottery. It was a MIRACLE!!! My car started. I didn't need help getting it jumped. God is good!! So many other amazing things happened that day. Why am I sharing this with you? We are programmed to expect bad things to happen and because we expect bad things to happen, we live our lives planning and preparing for them and they happen. We truly don't live when we do this. There's no joy in a life lived expecting something bad to happen. I, for some reason have always looked for the miracle in everything. No matter how difficult or disappointing it may seem, I always look for something in it that brings me hope. I encourage you to do the same. Live your life each day as though it is a miracle and you will experience miracles!

Thank you for reading this. I hope you found some inspiration here. 

Seasons greetings,
