Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. It is with great joy and gratitude that I write this blog.
I hope this post meets you well. I am so in awe of what God is doing in my life in a season that was meant to kill me. I am truly in awe of God's mercies and grace towards a wretch like me.
This season began as one of the hardest seasons in my life and has now turned into a season of joy and abundance. Only God can do what NO man can do! My God is mighty to save. Words alone won't express truly how grateful I am to God for His faithfulness.
Watch my latest video
When I surrendered, God stepped in. God is so faithful and kind. My world is filled with thanksgiving and songs of joy, for God's goodness towards me. Now, instead of living in despair, I am living in hope and expectation.
My YouTube channel was hacked, God gave it back to me. Now, I am about to hit 50,000 subscribers. Not only that, I have already prepared a spot on my wall for our 100,000 subscribers award from YouTube.
Whatever you may be passing through currently, trust God. Look up to God and surrender completely and watch things turn around for you. I don't have confidence in things or people. My confidence is completely on God. When I had focused on my strength and wisdom, I had failed miserably. I wasted a lot of energy and got nothing done. When I had surrendered to God, I have noticed that I barely even used up any energy.
Anyways, in a nutshell, God is good! We would save ourselves a whole lot of pain by surrendering to Him and yielding to His guidance.
Celebrate with me today as I prepare to celebrate 50k subscribers. Glorify God for me as I have prepared a space for my 100k YouTube award.
I pray that the Lord bless you in abundance in Jesus Name.