Sunday, October 4, 2020


What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today. 

Have you ever felt like God was far away from you? Have you ever prayed so hard and got exhausted from the prayers but still felt like God was far away? I have and I understand  how it  feels, if you're currently experiencing that type of situation.

God is never far from you. God is always a prayer away. The reason you feel like God is far is because of the attachment you have to the flesh or senses. You have been so focused on the logic and facts that your senses see and have separated yourself from the presence of God. By separating, I don't mean cut yourself off. I mean you have filled your mind and spirit with the distractions of the outside world and allowed what is not real to become real to you,  to the point where you are overwhelmed and can't be still enough to experience God in that moment.

God will never leave us nor forsake us. We allow distractions to fill the space in us where God dwells and become afraid of the shadows of falsehood we created. God is always a prayer away. I have learned to just be quiet and go into stillness, with my eyes shut, whenever I feel like God is far away. I find out every time this happens, it is because I am trying too hard to fix or control everything or I am trying to please people.

We can't please people and God at the same time. No matter how hard we try, people will never 100% agree with us. So, we need to learn to be present and focused more on what God wants us to do. If our hearts are stayed on God and we delight ourselves in Him, loving people would be natural to us. You and I have to come to terms with the fact that we WILL NEVER BE ACCEPTED 100% by people and that is OKAY!

What we should concern ourselves with anyways is the fact that God cares and approves of us. It is utter suffering living life to please people. I have made up my mind and renew my mind each day, that I will focus on pleasing God and not people. My peace is very important to me and in order for me to enjoy it, I have to focus on God.

I hope this inspired you in some way. 

Thank you for reading my blog.

With gratitude,


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