Thursday, November 26, 2020


 What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having an amazing time with family and friends. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

So today is Thanksgiving day and I am very grateful to be a part of it and for God's protection of me and my children.

This is my favorite Thanksgiving dessert. A slice of pecan pie with a scoop of premium vanilla ice cream. It is heaven on a plate and to your taste buds lol.

My Christmas Pjs are from

I am grateful for today. God has been faithful to me. I want to stop every now and then to give thanks for good health and Divine protection over me and my children. God has truly been good to us. For most of us, it is normal for us to be grateful only when something extraordinary happens to us but that's not the only time we ought to show gratitude. I am learning to show gratitude when nothing crazy happens. I am learning to treat each moment as a miracle because there are people going through very difficult seasons right now but not me. 

See, I am learning each passing day that the more things I can give thanks for, the more things I will have to give thanks for. Sometimes I get blinded by the things I don't yet have and stand in my own way of being happy in the moment. Life as I am learning to live it, is lived in the moment. Happiness and joy shouldn't be postponed to a later date. It is in the NOW! I am learning more each day to count my blessings and focus on positivity. I have experienced a transformation in my thoughts since I started intentionally focusing on the good. 

Today being Thanksgiving Day is not the ONLY day of the year we give thanks for our many blessings. I believe giving thanks should be a part of our daily practice. Our human conditioning is so deceptive. It steals our joy of the present by ushering thoughts of past failures or future uncertainties and the moment we buy into these deceptions, we become victims to circumstances instead of creators of the type of experience we would truly love.

I am making the commitment each day, to be very aware of the thoughts I let take root in me. I know how it feels to dwell on uncertainties and past failures. It SUCKS! In my experience, you only produce more the same fruits if you focus on the seeds of past failures and uncertainties. Now, I just focus on the joy and beauty of each moment and of course what I would really love. Each day, I take a few moments to write and think about my goals. I notice the more I do this, the better I feel and the more excited the future seems. In fact, I bring the future to me whenever I get excited about my goals. It's like I am already the person I want to be and it is amazing. Try it!

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving because I enjoyed mine. I am grateful for me, my children and for you. 

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

With gratitude,


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