Saturday, February 27, 2021


Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely friends. I hope this meets you well. Today is a beautiful day and I am so thankful to be a part of it. How are you and your family today? I hope all is well and beautiful with you all.
So today, I wanted to share a powerful affirmation with you. You see, words are powerful and put us in a vibration equivalent to their nature. So, before you speak, always be mindful of the type of things you say. For instance, instead speaking negative words, choose positive words. Let your words paint the picture of the type of world you want to live in and you’ll surely see it manifest. 
So, for this post, here’s a powerful affirmation that I came across and wanted to share with you.
“The impossible does happen. Therefore, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.”
I hope that these words speak to you today. As you go about your day, say this affirmation and watch the good that happens. 
Thank you for reading. Stay blessed, energized and inspired.
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

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