Wednesday, June 23, 2021



Good afternoon wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day. 

It is always a blessing to come to you each and everyday. Today is especially special for me. It is another day to be of service through my words of encouragement.

Don't die before you ever get a chance to truly live. You were specially designed to fulfil a wonderful purpose on earth. Don't allow fear of people and failing, keep you from living the life you were meant to live. Don't live your life trying not to die or step on anyone's toes. That's not a way to live at all.

When you focus on not stepping on people's toes, you will step on a whole lot of toes. Your life takes you in the direction of what you focus on. The best way not to step on people's toes is to be yourself and focus on what you want and make a decision everyday to go for it.

Don't worry about who is watching or not watching your every move, just make your move. You just get busy being excited about your goal. Wakeup everyday excited about working towards your goal. You deserve to be happy and prosperous. That is also God's blessing for you. 

God is the giver of every good gift. Don't get hung up worrying about who is not pleased with you or who can stop you. Instead, surrender to God and declare God's blessings over you and your goals. Know that NO ONE and NO THING can stop you but you. It is in Your thinking. Start thinking differently.

I truly pray that you live life in the NOW and not in the hope that people may accept and approve of you. 

Seeking other people's approval will kill you before your time. Most people don't even approve themselves. Why stake your peace and happiness on others? Change that way of thinking right now and embrace your originality. You are ONE of a kind. I believe in you!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


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