Good morning everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day and I grateful for having you here. The world is defined by stories and the most powerful ones are the ones that change our lives for better. These stories have a way of resurrecting dead dreams and visions. They have a way of helping us find our way back to what makes us come alive. You have a story too.
I always wanted to be a mom but the road was not easy but look at me today. Love my babies sooo much! That's a good story!
Most people allow their lives to be defined by the negative things that have happened to them and battle through life carrying these loads they should have discarded a long time ago.
I have a story, in fact I have many stories that could have crippled me if I let them. But I realize that my stories can either cripple me or empower. In either cases, I have the power of choice. I get to choose what happens to me after all is said and done. My power of choice and the awareness of that option is built on my faith in God. The word of God tells me that God often uses what the enemy means for evil for our good and I tend to hold on to that word and it always works.
No matter what you have been through, no matter how difficult it's been, know that it doesn't have the power to define you unless you let it. You are always in charge of what you allow define you. You can begin to make that shift to let your not so good story compel an amazing life for you. I know you have got it in you to breakthrough. You have what it takes to enjoy your life. Start enjoying your life right now.
Don't let anyone steal your joy!