Friday, October 1, 2021



Good evening, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. It is October and I am wishing everyone of you all the best that this month has to offer. Thank you for being a part of Maryamsjoyfullife. 

I am very hopeful for all the amazing things in store for me and my children in this amazing month. September was a good month and it ended on a pleasant note for me and my children. 

So, my sweet baby boy was named student of the month in September and I am thrilled. Getting the news of his performance and attitude in school was no surprise to me because I take pride in raising my kids with a sense of pride in doing their work on time and paying attention to their environment. I have and still spend time teaching them outside of the classroom because I believe education is a collective action. Your home is always the breeding ground for success or chaos. Knowing that, I thrive to promote a joyful, happy and learning environment for my kids at home. 

The teachers are proud of Le'Veon's attitude and that makes me happy because it shows that the time I spend on him is producing results. I am proud of my baby boy and know that this is only one of many accolades he and his sister are set to get. 

Watch our latest video:

Life is all about love and presence. What I mean by this expression is, you can't expect something when you haven't planted the seed. The reason I am so joyful and always thrive is because I take it upon myself to plant joyful seeds in my mind and environment. I want my kids to live joyful and conscious lives. The hypnotic way of life of the world is not the way I want to go neither is it the way I want for my kids. With that being said, I want to encourage parents reading this to take pride in spending time with their children. Spend time to teach them the basics of life and show them appreciation for taking their studies and work seriously. Take time to encourage them and let them know that they are the best not in comparison to others but just for being who they are and then follow through with showing them the pieces that help them thrive.

In the mean time, for as long as I live, it is my promise to God and myself that I will give my best to my kids. After all, they have to be the best version of me and themselves. 

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


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