When my kids' dad left and humiliated me and also tried to manipulate me; I saw through the whole situation. I didn't believe that I was that weak to allow trash crush me. I stood and still stand my ground in the sitaution. When Hunter neglected his responsibilities, I stepped up and allowed God be my protector and guide. Well, just like the Bible says "The Lord in the midst of thee is MIGHTY," I let God be MIGHTY in my life and truly life has been wonderful.
I live happy and joyfully each day because I do my spiritual practice and stay connected to my God. Without God, I wouldn't be here and my daughter wouldn't either. We are loved and surrounded by God's Divine presence and that's the real GIFT this fourth birthday has taught me.
I encourage you to stop chasing things and people and start chasing God. How do you chase God? In prayer and meditation and thanksgiving. Never try to force things. Know that no thing and no one can stop the blessings that God has for you. The more you allow harmony and faith in your heart, the more the blessings flow. God is FOR YOU!
Happy Birthday to my baby girl; ZOZO. Baby, I'm proud of you and love you soooo much!
Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!
Maryam aka mama