Respected Honorable Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack,
As a member of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the United States’s commitment to address soil extinction is commendable. Over the last several decades, some progress has happened to reverse soil degradation and restore soil health, but we have a long way to go.
As we near the UNCCD’s COP 15 conference, where leaders of the world will soon meet in Cote d’Ivoire, an opportunity is presented for every nation in the world to single mindedly commit to one agenda - that of ensuring a minimum 3-6% organic content in soil. This simple yet powerful commitment will prevent desertification, reverse climate change, preserve biodiversity, forward goals of food security, improve nutrition, augment water security, and slow down migration.
I have been following and touched by the recent worldwide movement launched by Sadhguru, a yogi and global leader from India, who has undertaken a 30,000 km lone motorcycle journey to focus attention on the need to Save Soil. The ensuing people’s movement has already garnered the support of hundreds of millions around the world, including thousands of influencers. Many UN agencies and other reputed organizations have also partnered with the movement.
I commit to you that I will steadfastly stand by you in support as you enact policy to enhance the organic content of the United States’s soils to a minimum of 3-6%. This conference in Cote d’Ivoire presents an opportunity to make history by turning our world back from the brink of soil extinction.
Let us make it happen!
Kind regards,
Maryam Shumate
A Voice to Save Soil from the United States