What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day, today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day!
Happy Labor Day my people! I hope you're spending it with those you love.
Get my accessories here:www.maryamsjoyfullifeapparel.comToday, I want to share a topic that helps me everyday of my life. I believe that this will help you too. See, in life, we are constantly being bombarded with signs and signals and these things have the power to control us if we let them. We have to know how not to let them control us. Our ability to focus is very powerful.
Focus is power. Where your focus goes, your energy flows and where your energy flows, there's growth and expansion. You want to make sure that you're only fueling what you want with your energy and that includes the type of thoughts you let yourself dwell on.
The sun gives vitality and strength to plant life on earth. Without the sun, we won't have warmth and life as we know it, would not exist. The sun is the number one and most vital source of energy and life on this planet. You're the sun of your world. If you pour your energy on people and things you don't like, you are empowering them to do you harm. I encourage you and me to become aware of where we focus our attention. If it doesn't feel good, if it brings you fear and constriction, it's not right. Focus on things and people who bring you joy and excitement.
Don't focus on things that you want to change, focus on the thing you want, that is the change. If you want a baby, focus on a baby not the absence of a baby. If you want money, don't focus on poverty. The trick of the enemy is to make you focus on the things that are going wrong or missing. Being that we are vibratory beings, your focus determines the state of mind you're in and that in turn, becomes your point of attraction. If you allow yourself to focus on what is wrong with you, you feel bad about yourself and when you do, you attract people and circumstances that will make you to keep feeling bad.
I want to feel good all the time because feeling good is amazing! I have come to the awareness that when I am not feeling good, it's because I am focusing on negative thoughts. To feel good, my thoughts have to be positive ones. So, I shift my focus to positive thoughts. You can do this by giving thanks for the things that are going right in your life. You cannot be grateful and feel bad at the same. If you can't seem to find anything to be thankful for; "you're alive!" That is a great place to start. While you still have breath in you, IT AIN'T OVER!
I hope this inspired you because it sure inspired me.
Have an amazing day!
With gratitude,