What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Howe are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day, today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you all for joining me.
Have you ever felt like what you were asking God was so much bigger than what God could give you? Have you given up on asking God for something that seems so Big in your eyes that it scares you? Is there something you would really want God to do for you that doubt and fear are keeping you from receiving?
Let me tell you a story. My son was asking me to buy him a grown people's car recently. He told me the color he wanted and asked to be taken to the dealership to drive it. You know, when he first asked for it, I thought he wanted a small car. He loves his cars. Cars are his thing. He has a collection of a variety of cars. So, my thought was that he wanted one of those small cars but boy, was I wrong. The more I asked him about it, the more he explained that he wanted a big red car and Zozo wanted a big blue car. I made many attempts to tell him that he's not big enough for it.
I think we should be more child-like in our approach to God. When we desire God's blessings, we shouldn't allow the first sign of oppositions to keep us from asking for what we want. God's blessings are for us. He never keeps the away from His. We are his children and the sheep of his abundant pasture. We have got to be persistent.
Well, I ended up taking my son to the dealership and had him sit in a big red car just to show him that he wasn't big enough for it. He had the experience and although he wasn't tall enough for it, he was really upset with me for not letting him have the car and drive it lol.
One day, at the right time, Le'Veon will be old enough and big enough for a big red car but not now.
God cares for you and you have to understand that whatever you are asking for, God can give you.
However, stop squeezing God into a box of what and how you think He should bless you. Don't limit God's resources based on what you think you deserve or don't deserve. Open yourself up to God's limitless blessings today.
I pray that the spirit of your understanding will be enlightened to know the vastness of God's love and omnipresent provision In Jesus Name. Amen!!