What's up everybody, thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day and I am very excited to be posting this blog today. I believe today's post will inspire everyone.
In today's blog, I would like to share Millionaire mindset coach Arash Vossoughi's morning and evening routines. Arash is the founder and CEO of Voss Coaching Co. He was personally mentored by the greatest Prosperity teacher ever; late Bob Proctor. I have been following Arash for years and I consider him ny coach and I do intend to enrol for his mentorship soon but in the mean time, I wanted to share some valuable lessons I learned from his latest Podcast: 7 Figure Standard with you.
Arash is believer of how you start your day is how you end your day. He gives very valuable tips that can help anyone raise their standards and live the life they have always dreamed of.
Morning Routine
1. Think about your goal. Arash advises everyone to think about their goal when they wake up first thing in the morning. He said the subsconcious mind, which is responsible for 95% of our results is more receptive to work on our goals when we think about them within five minutes of waking up.
2. Gratitude. Think about 5 to 10 things you are grateful for and feel the gratitude.
3. He exercises. He said he would walk his dog for 30 minutes and get some exercise while he does it.
4. I Am statements. He said he would say out loud 10 to 20 I Am statements because whatever we place after the sentence IAM, we become. For example: I AM HAPPY, HEALTHY AND WEALTHY AND I LOVE IT!
5. Affirmations of your goals. Arash advises us to say our goals in the present tense as though we have already achieved them.
6. Study. He said to focus on 3-5 paragraphs about an area we want to improve on, in a book that covers that topic. He said to study it until it becomes a part of us.
Arash also advised that as we grow, our processes will have to change. He said to upgrade our disciplines and processes as they become part of our nature.
Evening Routine
1. Arash advises us to ask ourselves questions after the work day. Questions like: Did I act like the person I wanted to become today?
2. Did I behave like that person? He further explains that the evening routine keeps us accountable so we don't drift from our goals.
3. He said we should write out 3 to 4 goal achieving activities in the present tense that we intend to carryout the next day, as though it is already done.
4. Lastly, he said 3 mins before we fall asleep, we should affirm our goals in the present tense and feel like we already achieved them.
Here's the video for more tips about Arash's morning and evening routine:
I hope this inspires you.
Don't let anyone steal your joy!