Showing posts with label Law of Attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law of Attraction. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 Good afternoon wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. It is always a privilege to post these articles. I am super excited for this one.

So, I want to talk about The Law of Attraction. There's millions of posts about it but seems not many people understand it. The Law of attraction is a secondary natural Law. The Primary law is The Law of Vibration. It states that we attract to ourselves whatever we are in harmony with. Let me break it down further. When you think about a sandwich and hold onto that thought, you will get a sandwich. It is either someone gives you a sandwich or you get that sandwich by yourself. If you still hold on to the thought, throughout your day, you will find yourself listening to people talk about a sandwich and you will also come across pictures of sandwiches. 

These are the pennies I picked up earlier.

Earlier this morning, when I went out for a run, I came across a penny on the sidewalk. I told myself that I would pick it up after my first run around the block, if it is still there. Guess what? After three laps around the block, I decided to go for that penny. While I was cooling down with a walk around the block, I found a penny. While I kept walking, I found another penny and then another and another. Before I got to the penny that I had promised myself I would pickup, I had almost 10 pennies and a quarter. 

Here's what I understand about The Law of Attraction, you will find what you are looking for if you hold on to the thought and the feeling that you already have it. When you focus on what you want and not worry about how it is going to come to you, you have LET GO AND LET GOD! Each time you let go and let God, you will experience speedy manifestation of the good you desire.

We are tempted to worry about what we don't have, not knowing that we are missing the gift of the present moment. Each time we worry about what we don't have, we are saying dear God, we don't want what we need. Feeling is a powerful force. If you stay with the feeling of gratitude for what you have and what you desire, you will draw more of what you want into your life every single time.

The Law of attraction is a natural law that comes into play when we have a certain feeling about something or someone. If we allow a feeling of hate or resentment, we will attract more of that into our lives. 

For those among you reading this, currently going through a financial crisis, try to focus on the amount of money that will take care of your needs. Think about it and give thanks for 90 seconds. Don't entertain any feeling of negativity. Do that as often as you can and I promise, you will notice the difference in your body, consciousness and wallets.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!
