What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Thank you for checking out my blog today.
Life is in the living of it. How do you really live without experiencing stuff and this stuff includes lists of tasks to be tackled.
This is why I love meditating and doing things I love. Whenever I get caught up with thoughts of things I shouldn't be thinking about, I remind myself that I am not my thoughts. Then I come back to the present moment. That usually keeps me calm. My brain is a memory bank that either keeps me hooked to favorable memories or unfavorable ones. It is a matter of my choice. Which thought do I want to focus on? The positive thoughts or the negative ones? I get to choose.
Oops! We were talking about my to-do list. Back to it. Whenever I think about everything I have to do all at once, it scares me. I think this is why many people feel overwhelmed, including myself. We tend to think about all we have to do, instead of prioritizing our list. I am learning to prioritize my to-do list in order to get things done on time. Prioritizing means arranging my list according to deadlines. Tackle each at a time and do the best I can with the time that I have.
When we think about life as a whole, we can be intimidated by the many pieces involved. However, if we think about life as happening in the moment, we are inspired by the little things and we enjoy the simple things in life. I am learning to keep my mind in the present more often. I want to catch the jokes and the milestones of my children in the moment. I guess all am trying to say is "Chill Out!" Maryam.
So, if you're overwhelmed right now, make a to-do list, prioritize and tackle it according to deadline. Then, be in the moment, relax and Chill Out! Life is meant to be lived. Don't let living pass you by.
Thank you for checking out my blog today.
With gratitude, Maryam