Showing posts with label Staying healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Staying healthy. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2020


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely friend. I hope you're having an amazing 2020 and are guarding your energy field from energy vampires. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day!

Before we go into today's topic. I met an amazing person the other day. He is about to be 85 but doesn't look a day older than 50. I started a conversation with him and he told me that one of the secrets is exercising and eating the right stuff. Thank you Jack. Your energy was beautiful and I am so thankful to have met you and talked with you.

What is my morning routine? For starters, my morning routine is flexible and dynamic. The only part I can tell you that is 99% of the time the same is my tea. I love tea. Do you like tea? I'm always on the search for a new type of natural tea that could give a blast of natural flavors to my tastebuds. There's something calming and glorious about a hot cup of tea in the morning. I can't really explain it like I'd like to, but I'll try anyway.

A cup of natural spiced tea in the morning, is like walking out of a negative atmosphere into a very positively charged atmosphere, which removes every ounce of negativity from you. It instantly leaves you feeling invincible, like you never had a negative experience. That's it! It's absolutely miraculous.

In short, I love teas. I also enjoy making my own from fresh ingredients such as ginger roots, garlic, cinnamon, mint and I could go on and on.

This morning, I made me a glorious pot of fresh ginger tea. It was amazing! I still have some left and you bet I'll be enjoying it through out the day.
I make my ginger tea by slicing up my ginger root into smaller bits and pieces. Place the pieces into a teapot and add about 2 cups of water into the pot and let boil. I then turn off the stove and let simmer for about 10 minutes. I get a cup and pour me a glorious cup and add a bit of honey and enjoy!

I recently came across a mini granite mortar and pestle on Amazon. Many years ago, in my father's house, I used to use wooden mortar and pestle to pound spices and yams. We also had a granite grinding stone for our spices. I was very surprised and intrigued to see a granite mortar and pestle. Of course, I wanted to check it out. I must say I'm very glad I tried it. I pounded my ginger roots in it and it turned out amazing. All of the spicy flavors expanded and when I boiled it for my tea. OMG! The tea was glorious! You need to try this mortar and pestle for yourself. It's a multi-purpose item for your pantry.

Here's the Amazon link:
They are currently offering a 15% off coupon. Great deal for a great product! I have so many spice ideas that I am currently playing with in my mind. I can't wait to blend my own creation in my new mortar.

As always, I enjoy sharing products I am currently loving with you. The goal is to share because you might just find inspiration in it.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, December 7, 2019


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are y'all doing today? I hope y'all are having an amazing day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day!

There's a whole craze buzz about losing weight and getting to the ideal shape. I have heard many women say that they won't be happy until they have lost weight. I have learned that waiting to be happy only when your wishes or goals have materialized, is not natural to who you really are. The essence of you is happy NOW! If you're not satisfied with your current weight, your goal should be for you to be happy NOW! Here's what happens if you are happy NOW; Not only will you have the inspiration to workout, you will be content and happy with your result. The need to maintain your goal weight will be natural to you. You will then overcome the pressure of trying to compare your progress and body to others. You should strive to be better than YOU were!

A happy heart makes everything easy. When your heart is heavy with dissatisfaction with how you look, you won't have the energy to move forward towards your ideal weight. Even if you get there, you'll still not be happy. The reason for this is you were a happy being. This happiness that is you is not dependent on your physical world or form experience. It is the true nature of your being.

I have always loved being happy. I am not consciously aware of the very nature of my being. It's wellbeing, joy, expansion, harmony and love. Be interested in your own happiness. Your choosing happy should not be in comparison to somebody else. You are God's highest form of creation. Embrace you! Sit in silence and just focus on nothing and watch how happy you start to feel.

Practical Steps to Staying Fit and Losing Weight:
1. Get a comfortable bra top. My personal favorite is Nike brand. You want your boobs held in place, comfortably while you walk or run.

2. Get a comfortable t-shirt or workout shirt. I like Nike Tank Tops. They are breathable and easy to wash.

3. Get a pair of comfortable workout shorts or pants. You can find a variety of these at different stores.

4. A comfortable pair of running shoes. There's a thin line between enjoying your workout and being frustrated by it. That line is called your shoes. Always get a paid of comfortable workout shoes. I suggest going to the store and trying on a variety from Nike to Adidas and Puma to Under Armor. Look for a pair that you can comfortably run in.

Finally, Don't wait for the perfect time, day or space. Get out there and start your journey to your ideal weight. You could start with a 5 minute brisk walk in your driveway. Increase that to 10 minutes the next day. Keep doing it until you can start adding more varieties to your routine and watch what happens.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope you enjoy your new journey.