Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It really means a lot.
So, something amazing happened to me today. I SOLD OUT all of my head ties. What?!!! Since I started business, I don't remember ever selling out so fast or selling out at all. LOL... God is good!
Are you feeling weary? Are you feeling disappointed or overwhelmed? I understand what you are going through. I'd like to encourage to trust God. Believe that God can and will help you. Let go of the reins and trust that God who made you, has the power to change your life. Stop believing in the worst that could happen and start believing in the best that can happen.
Gold Faith tee
I have also been working on a new design for tees. I have also included pictures of them to this post. I am so excited for what God is doing and where He is taking me. There's sweetness in my and all around me. I pray that sweetness surrounds you and gets into you. It is amazing.
I have also ordered a new set of designs that will be available soon in my store: www.maryamsjoyfullifeapparel.com soon. I have also included the designs to this post to get everyone excited.
I look forward to providing more service and sharing my gifts with the world. Thank you for being a part of my world. You're important. God knows you by name. Trust and believe wholeheartedly that God won't fail you. I am rooting for you!
Until next time...
With gratitude,