Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It is always a blessing coming to you all.
Hope your day has been amazing and you have had a fully rested weekend. I have kinda had a rested weekend lol... I am so excited to share my news with you all. I finally completed my latest novel and I feel really good about it. It is my first book at over 100 pages and I am pretty stoked about it.
This is book will entertain and inspire you at the same time. I hope you're ready for it. I have it available in e-book and paperback. The paperback is available to order now, the e-book is scheduled to be released tomorrow(Dec20, 21) and the hardcover will be released soon. I look forward to inspiring and entertaining through the pages of my new book : Chased By a Baller. Place your order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NRCW22Q?ref=exp_maryamsjoyfullife_dp_vv_d
I am so excited to share excerpts in future blog posts with you.
Until then, have an amazing evening and a very safe Christmas!