Good morning wonderful friends. How are you today? I hope this blog post meets you well.
It is always very amazing to me to post a blog to you each time. I really look forward to it.
Today, I want to talk about "The Cure For Disappointment." Everyone of us has been or will be disappointed at some point in our lives and that is a fact. Here's where most of us miss it; most of us allow a disappointment to dictate the trajectory of our lives and let it affect us until we die. But it doesn't have to be that way.
When we hold on to hurtful things done to us by others or ourselves, we are keeping our peace from coming to us. We are standing in the way of our good. You will never feel good if you're holding on to UNFORGIVENESS from a disappointment. Blessings will escape us and life becomes hard and unbearable. We don't feel motivated to get up and go about our day. That's how depression comes in and then we find ourselves dependent on External things such as drugs, sex, people's approval and so on to keep our minds right . If we depend on something outside of us to make us feel good, we will never feel good for a long time. We will always be needy and insatiable. But here's the good news, we can LET GO of the hurt and pain from ANY disappointment. How do we do this? By truly FORGIVING ourselves, the people who hurt us and the whole situation. I find that prayer, deep breaths and an affirmation help when I am fuming with anger from a disappointment.
Take this Affirmation:
I now let go of everything and everyone that I hold any form of unforgiveness towards. I free them and myself from this prison and I now go free. Unforgiveness has lost it's hold over me now and forever. It is done.
I hope you have an amazing day!
Don't let anyone or thing steal your joy!