Good afternoon, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this message meets you well. Today, I want to share some of the things I do when I feel stuck with you. Before we get started, I'd like to encourage you to not feel like you're alone. Whatever may be your current situation, you are not alone. There's help right where you are but you have to be receptive to this help. God loves you and approves of you. You need to learn to accept yourself right now.
I remember a few months back, when things were not going as I had wanted them to, I was tempted to feel sad and depressed but I chose not to let myself fall for the enemy's tricks. I have come to the conscious knowledge that I am a child of God and I am powerful beyond my own limited ability to comprehend.
How did I come to believe this? You may want to ask. Through meditation. My experience in the silence, has convinced me of how powerful we truly are as human beings. We are creative. Our mind is powerful. We have been programmed right from childhood to focus on the outside and judge our lives based on our past experiences and current results. Your current results are a physical manifestation of your past beliefs. In order to get a different result, change your belief. A belief is a thought you keep recycling in your mind over and over again. If you think about a particular idea consistently, you will produce it in your results.
In order not to confuse you, here's what I am trying to say to you: every moment is new. If you want a different life, start thinking about it now and see yourself living that different life NOW! Get excited about the possibilities of the new and spend time in that feeling. When your mind tries to get you to focus on what is wrong in your life and with you, give yourself a break and say "I'll think about what I want for now." Make sure what you want is what YOU REALLY WANT!
To Get Unstuck, Here's What I Do:
1. I read a book about the power of the subconscious mind and meditate
2. I give a gift to a stranger or donate to charity
3. I watch one of my favorite thought leaders. I like Sadhguru, Pastor Steven Furtick and Bob Proctor.
4. I watch Elevation Worship Songs and sing along
5. I start listing the things I am grateful for.
6. I hug my children and play with them
7. I go for a walk in my neighborhood or park
8. I write a journal of how I am feeling and how I want to feel.
9. I clean the house
10. I make a video to inspire millions around the world.
Now that I have shared some of the things I do with you, what are you going to do the next time you feel stuck?
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