Hello everyone, I hope this blog meets you well. Today is the official start of daylight saving time and it is amazing. I got an extra hour of sleep and thought the kids would let me take another but it didn't happen. How are you? I am hoping this blog meets you well. Thank you for checking out Maryamsjoyfullife blog today. This is a beautiful day indeed.
So, I told the kids about a week ago about Legoland and they got very excited. It took a few days and we were able to finally go and have the experience. Aparently, Legoland Atlanta at Phipps plaza, Georgia is a big deal. We ran into some folks who came in from out of state with family, to check it out. Here I was, a mama who lives in the neighborhood just visiting for the first time. Yay me! Not really. It is crazy how we have gems in front of us but never realize it, until someone else points them out.
With all that said, I am very happy that the kids and I went to Legoland Discovery Center at Phipps Plaza. to have a great time. The kids had fun and of couese, I did too. There is a lot to do and your kids won't get bored, if you ever visit. Mine certainly did have a blast but for Zoe's tantrum when it was time for VR racing experience. Zoe cried during the whole lego VR race experience and I think that might have spoiled Levy's experience a little but Levy didn' seem to care. When I asked if he enjoyed it, he said he did but that Zoe cried the whole time.
I highly recommend Legoland Discovery Center in Atlanta , at Phipps plaza. It is a must if you live in Geogia.
Highlight of our day was getting lost looking for our truck. After like 15 mins of roaming the parking lot and travelling up and down the elevators, Le'Veon saved us by pointing the way to us. What can I say, I am blessed with two geniuses by God.
I hope you have a great week and stay safe!
Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!