What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you've had an amazing day and didn't let anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.
I know a woman who has a lot on her plate. She is a mother- a single mother and she is a full-time worker. She is a dreamer and a realist. She wakes up early everyday to get ready for her day. She knows fully well that if she doesn't pray and speak life into her day before getting started on her chores and then job, she was not going to have a good day. Her children mean the world to her and she pours life into them each morning, during the day and at night. She knows that there are many women like her in the world but what sets her apart is the faith she has in God to provide, guide and lead her through her journey each day.
She is a mother, a doctor, a cleaner, a cook, an entrepreneur, a business woman and a dreamer. Yes, she is a dreamer. She often finds herself dreaming about beautiful things, places, experiences, people and opportunities. She believes in the power of the imagination. She is convinced that if she can see it in her mind, she can hold it in her hands. She believes in the power of a clear imagination. She is a strong woman. She is fearless, dedicated, unstoppable and full of faith. Even when she is faced with an opposition, she doesn't back down! She keeps moving in the direction of her dreams. What a woman she is. Many call her inspiring, some call her full of faith, others call her strong but she calls herself a "WARRIOR!"
Only a warrior never quits. Only a warrior keeps moving in spite of setbacks. A warrior always finds a way. Yes, this woman is a WARRIOR!
To every single mom out there, you are WARRIORS!!
Sending love and light to every single mother in the world! You got this!
With gratitude,