Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. This is a good day. Thank you all for checking out my blog today. In this blog, I want to talk about making it a good day.
This is the start of a new work week and it is an amazing day already.
What does it mean to make it a good day? It means deciding to have a good day regardless of who is nasty to you. Whether you know it or not, you are in charge of your emotions. You have the power to control it. No one has the power to make you have a bad day but you. I used to think that if certain people quit doing the things they did that got me upset then everything would be perfect but the more I expected them to change the worse they got and the worse I felt because I was ignorant of my own power.
However, when I quit projecting my will on others and kept it at home with me and started making changes within myself, things on the outside began to change. I changed my mind and everything else followed to change. What am I saying? If you change the expectations of how you want people to act towards you and how you will respond and you just focus on being better whether others notice or not, not only will you be happier, others will change their attitudes toward you as well.
Life is a game of boomerangs. What you sow always comes back as a bountiful crop. Within yourself, sow peace crops, confidence crops, joy crops and goodwill crops. Do not let these be determined by others behavior but by you. You are worthy of the peace and love you want. This is not determined by people or things. It is determined by God. Let God rule over your heart. Begin to see yourself worthy, loved, approved and amazing. Don't wait for others to say it to you before you start saying it to yourself.
May your week be blessed and highly favored!