Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you in great shape. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you for checking out my blog today.
So, I want to talk about fear. Fear is your enemy. Anyone who brings you fearful ideas can and will control your life. Don't be afraid of anything bad happening to you or a member of your family. Fear is false and it is not a law in itself but you give it power as you accept it and feel it and act fearfully.
For many years, a group of so-called pastors and prophets filled me with fear but each time I left their presence, I always asked myself this question: Is God All Powerful? The Bible says if God be for me, who can be against me? So, if God is for me and with me, then what do I have to be afraid of? I had no idea what I was saying up until recently. The very core of your being recognizes the truth of such statements. God is all there is. God is good!!
God is all the reality there is and God gives us what we ask for with our thoughts and feelings. Whatever we focus on with emotions, we draw into our lives. God works with our conscious idea of ourselves and that includes what we fear, love or doubt.
Today, I want you to say "NO," to anyone or thought that wants to get you afraid. Be intentional about it. Your thought and feeling control your life. In this current world atmosphere of fear, CHOOSE to not be afraid. Choose FAITH! This is what I am now doing consciously. I am so thrilled be learning about the power of my own mind to embrace it and use it.
With gratitude,