Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Hello everyone. I hope this message meets you well. Tonight, I just wanted to share my day with you all. If you already follow me on YouTube and Instagram, you did watch my live broadcast earlier. We plated the food together and then I headed out to feed the homeless.

In the past, whenever I went out, there was usually a feeling of heaviness in air while I served the homeless. But today was different. It is amazing to me that at a time in the world where most people's world is turned upside down; trying to understand Corona and the current global economy, for there to be so much love and hope in the air.

I felt hope and love in the air while I gladly served every man and woman who came to get some food from me. It was so amazing. I was fully present in the moment and immersed myself in the service of the homeless. I was not the only one serving some yummy food out there today. There were a few other organizations and individuals out there too. It was a great sight and I couldn't be more grateful to be serving alongside such powerful service-oriented group.

I couldn't have pictured a more perfect day than today. Everything went very well and I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out. God is good!

Thank you for your support.

With gratitude,


Wednesday, January 13, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you in great shape. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you for checking out my blog today.

So, I want to talk about fear. Fear is your enemy. Anyone who brings you fearful ideas can and will control your life. Don't be afraid of anything bad happening to you or a member of your family. Fear is false and it is not a law in itself but you give it power as you accept it and feel it and act fearfully.

For many years, a group of so-called pastors and prophets filled me with fear but each time I left their presence, I always asked myself this question: Is God All Powerful? The Bible says if God be for me, who can be against me? So, if God is for me and with me, then what do I have to be afraid of? I had no idea what I was saying up until recently. The very core of your being recognizes the truth of such statements. God is all there is. God is good!! 

God is all the reality there is and God gives us what we ask for with our thoughts and feelings. Whatever we focus on with emotions, we draw into our lives. God works with our conscious idea of ourselves and that includes what we fear, love or doubt.

Today, I want you to say "NO," to anyone or thought that wants to get you afraid. Be intentional about it. Your thought and feeling control your life. In this current world atmosphere of fear, CHOOSE to not be afraid. Choose FAITH! This is what I am now doing consciously. I am so thrilled be learning about the power of my own mind to embrace it and use it. 

With gratitude,


Tuesday, January 12, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all so much for checking out my blog today.

It is 2021 and I have just got a few amazing loungwear pieces that I can't wait to show you guys. These pieces really speak to my style heart and they scream my name. Just a bit of info about my style. I am eclectic in my style. I can wear casual, sexy, athletic, bohemian, African, Hip pop, Indian and Asian. I like clothes and that includes regular t-shirts. At certain times I may be drawn to certain styles but you'll most often catch me wearing athletic gears lol...

In today's blog, I want to share a few pieces I picked out from I hope these pieces speak to you.

Black Boxy Cropped Hoodie Cuffed Joggers Loungewear Set - Cailleigh:

I love the color black. It is neutral, sexy and bold. Being a sexy chocolate African Queen, this color makes my skin POP! lol... I love how oversized it is. The strings on the side makes it easy to style however I want. If you like this, link to order or learn more is already listed above. 

Grey Marl Cropped Hoodie & High Waisted Jogger Loungewear Set - Alia:

This grey cropped hoodie and high waisted joggers loungewear set is one of my favorites. I have always loved having a grey hoodie joggers set. Even when I played college ball, there was never a season where we didn't have a grey hoodie and joggers set. It's sort of like a must-have in sports teams. Let's just say this set gave me some feels. It takes me back to the days of balling. You don't have to be a baller to like this one. Check it out by the link at the top. 

Lilac Cropped Hoodie & High Waisted Jogger Loungewear Set - Alia;

Lilac is a gorgeous color and it is another name for light purple. I love this color. This loungewear set is the same style as the grey one. I locked eyes with this style and new I had to wear it. So, I ordered it. The color is soft and beautiful to the eyes and it made me feel like a ROCKSTAR lol... I just had to add that in there. I love this set and will be rocking it A LOT! You can check it out by clicking the link at the top. 

This cropped Denim jacket is cute. When I first laid eyes on them, I knew they were meant to be in my collection. I love the sleeves. They are long and fit my long arms. I love the shoulders; they puffy and makes me look like I am ready to compete in the NFL. LOL!! It's new and I think new is always good. Check it out by clicking link at the top.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post today. I hope you have an amazing day!

With love and gratitude,

Friday, January 8, 2021



Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Hope this blog meets you well. I have a question for you. 

What would you really love? 

As you reflect on this question, I want you to know that what someone has or not have has nothing to do with your ability to get it or not. What would you really love if you believed all things are possible. What would you really love if you believed God has already made it available to you? How would you really love to live your life? I ask this question because whenever I think about it, I feel inspired. Just the thought of already having access to all the Power there is right now and right where I am gives me hope.

God is for you and with you. God doesn't want you to put your happiness on hold for someone else. Your happiness is not waiting in the future, it is right here and right now. I have made up my mind to be happy NOW and right HERE!

You are a creative being and you set the wheels of your creation in motion by your desire for something that you'd really love. Don't limit yourself by reaching for goals you know how to get.

Ok so, I am talking to myself too. Lol... These posts inspire me as much as they inspire you.

I hope you have a great day/night.

With gratitude,


Wednesday, January 6, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're having a great day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

Today's post is about you. I have a question or maybe a series of questions for you to think about. Have you ever asked yourself; what if I could start feeling better right now? How would my life be like if I started feeling better right now?  What if I can feel good right now and not wait until everything falls into place?

What if I could feel happier right now and not wait until I have a different set of people in my life to make me feel better? What if life was much bigger and grander than I think? How would this new knowledge shape my life and how I interact with the world? 

What if I didn't care about what people thought of me? How much better would I feel if my self-worth is no longer attached or determined by what people think of me or what I think people think of me? 

What if I woke up everyday feeling alive and vibrant? What if all my dreams came true? How would I feel and what would my life be like?

What if I had my soulmate and he or she is perfect and understands me? How would that make me feel and what would that be like? What if failure was unexpected success that leads to better achievements than I desired?

What if I could just smile for no reason at all and feel really good about it? 

How different would I feel if I didn't care too much about things that don't matter? How would this new perspective change and shape my world?

These questions are not new. Perhaps this post came right at the time you were running these questions through your mind. I have news for you, feeling is really the secret. If you think about a thing- anything, and the feeling that follows is draining, STOP and change what you are thinking. Your feeling is an indication of the places you take your thoughts and your feeling is the magnetic that draws similar events into your life to either keep you down or lift you up.

You always have a choice. Whatsoever you think about most in your life that you attach strong feelings to, either positive or negative, you are attracting into your world. 

I am becoming more aware of how I am feeling and whatever doesn't feel good, I don't let my thought tread there. To have control of my life, I am learning each day to control where my attention takes me. If my life goes where my attention follows, I must be sure to keep my attention on what I want. I have recently learned how powerful we are as creative beings. There's no situation in our lives that we can't change. All the answers we seek, we have within us. God is in us. God is a good feeling. God is assurance that we have all we need in every moment of our lives to change our experience to favorable ones.

I hope this inspired you.

Remember to choose feel good and empowering thoughts today. Your life depends on it.

With love and gratitude,


Tuesday, January 5, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing tonight? I hope you're all having a great night and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. This is a beautiful day.

My life transformed when I received the right message for the season I was in. I believe that it takes a Revelatory Word to transform any season in your life and make all things better. For me, one of the most phenomenal messages that changes my life in 2020 came from Elevation Church pastor Steven Furtick. In today's blog, I will be sharing some of my favorite quotes from pastor Steven with you.

"You can't receive new miracles with old mindset."

"Don't limit yourself by labels."

"It is God's job to know what's best for me and what experience I need to get."

"Stop limiting God with your labels."

When you get too tired you start fighting battles that don't matter, to distract you from ones that do."

"Faith doesn't prevent fatigue, it just gives you a place to sit."

"God promised you a spirit and not a schedule."

"I'm waiting for the gift."

"You can't schedule God's presence."

"God wants you to depend on Him."

"What we call interruptions are invitations."

"Heaven has a blueprint. Heaven has a purpose. When you ask, you activate."

"The wisdom that comes from above whispers within. 

I hope you find inspiration from the above quotes by pastor Steven Furtick.

Have an amazing day!


Saturday, January 2, 2021



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

Stress happens in life. Stress is a thief that comes to steal, destroy and kill you. You have to be aware of it and terminate it before it terminates you. I have had my fair share of stress in this life and I have decided to stand guard and keep stress out!

The enemy is always looking for ways to bring things to our attention that would worry us or even make us fret. When you worry about your life, your job, your home, relationships and the future, you're letting the enemy control you and that's not going to end well. Worry never solves any problems. Trust me, when I say that. I have been or used to be a worrier but not anymore.

I have always been a woman of faith but I'd be lying to you if I told you I never worried or worry. I have made a conscious decision not to worry because in the years that I worried, I never achieved anything nor did I feel better about the object of the worries.

There are so many self-help books about worry and I have read a good bit of them. I will give you three things I do when worry is trying to creep in.

1. I read the book of Psalms 27 out loud. Sometimes, when I am not feeling like reading it, I use the Bible App and play the audio. The Word is soothing and empowering when you play the audio and listen to it while sitting or laying down.

2. I go for a walk in nature. Nature is a natural healer. If you feel stressed, go out to the park or a park trail and walk, breathe in that fresh air. This always helps. Also let your mind focus on the sound of birds or water; if you have a lake around you or even a beach. Just walk and pay attention to the sound of nature. You'll start feeling better before you know it.

3. Write down the object of your worry on a pad with a pen. Journal everything you are feeling until you feel like you can't write anymore. Then on a fresh page, write down everything you are grateful for. Even if at the moment you don't know what to write, start by writing down how grateful you are to be alive, healthy, have a home, job or anything and everything that is going right in your life. I bet you there's a lot to be grateful for when you stop and look for them.

I have found that every time stress is trying to creep in, I start counting my blessings. I keep my mind in the present and look for what I am grateful for. I notice that within a few minutes I start feeling inspired because of the many blessings I have to give thanks for.

I hope this blog inspired you.

To your success,


Friday, January 1, 2021


 Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Happy New Year!!!!

I just wanted to take this moment to wish you a very prosperous, healthy, abundant and joyful New Year 2021. I pray that the best of last year doesn't even come close to the worst if this year. May God show you uncommon favor like you've never imagined before. May the spirit of joy and grace carry you through this year.

 God has something greater and better for you this year and I encourage you to start claiming it right now. Declare that better is here for you and better is NOW! If right now your life is not the way you'd like it to be, start speaking to it and command it to be how you'd like it to be. God is your God and is always with you. I want you to approach your day with this confidence that He who has begun the good work in your life will perfect it even NOW in Jesus Name. Amenn

Proceed with confidence because you are walking in MIRACLES and you live a life of FAVOR!

Are you currently looking for a work from home job opportunity? Please apply! My company is hiring.




Happy New Year!!

With love and gratitude,


Wednesday, December 30, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all doing great and are not letting anyone steal your joy? Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for checking out my blog today.

Today is a beautiful day and I was just thinking about how sometimes we get so frazzled with what is going on in our lives and forget to breathe. We get so carried away by what is going on in our lives that we forget to allow God help us. We have been programmed to worry about things we can't control and things that no longer serve us. I would like to encourage us to focus on things we can control and let God help us with the things we can't control.

In fact, I commit everything in God's hands it doesn't matter how large or small. God has been faithful. I have resolved that I can't ever live my life without surrendering to God every step of the way. I believe in the power of God. I believe in the Grace that came through Jesus Christ.

Life is beautiful when we surround ourselves with the light of God. God is always faithful and I can't lose sight of God's goodness. I keep encouraging folks to trust God in all things. 

As we approach the New Year, I would like to encourage us to trust God more and make a decision to not worry regardless of what is going on. The more we worry the harder we make things for ourselves. God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of love, power and a sound mind. Declare the word over your life always and watch God do things that you could never make happen for yourself. 

Have a blessed day,


Tuesday, December 29, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great night and you're not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog tonight.

So, the New Year is coming and everyone is so ready for a different experience. I can't wait for the New Year and I say that with confidence. God has really been faithful. I couldn't be more grateful. How are you? What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?

To comment, you'll have to subscribe and join my mailing list. 

I just want to send you some encouragement tonight. No matter what the situation, no matter what your story and no matter how difficult it is, I pray for God's supernatural touch in your life. May God bless you and show you mercy and favor. I pray that everything works out in your favor. Don't be afraid and don't be dismayed. Your God is faithful! I trust God to transform your life.

I have an ongoing series happening in my channel. Check it out and you'll love it. 

Here's Episode 10: I AM CLAIMING MY BEST

I pray that you're inspired by my video and that you know that God is for you.

With great love,


Friday, December 25, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. It's Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am so thankful for everyone of you. You've been a great part of my life and this year has proved it. I am so grateful for everything and how this year has happened for me. It could've been worse but here I am! God is faithful! I can never say it enough. God is faithful.

I just wanted to come to your phones, tablets, computers and TVs today to say Thank you and Merry Christmas!

May this mark the beginning of many wonderful blessings in your life. May the Lord give you favor and show you mercy. May you have many reasons to celebrate today and always in Jesus Name. Amen!!

With many great wishes and love,