Monday, February 8, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this message meets you well. It is with so much joy and excitement that I write today’s post. I am always ready for a feel good story. I expect things to go well for me. I look for the good in everything and everyone. 
I want my mind filled with so much good all the time. While I practice how to consciously focus on the good, I see my life getting better and I feel better.
Friends, there’s no virtue in looking for the bad in things and people. God is good. Make a decision to look for the good in everyone.
Now with that said, I want you to stay away from energy vampires. 
Life is as good as you want it. Know that you have to learn to focus on what brings you joy and happiness.
Go about your day with a new confidence that all things always work out for you.
Don’t let anyone steal steal your joy!
Maryam 💛

Sunday, February 7, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you well. I am so happy to be here right now. It brings me a lot of joy and gratitude to be able to inspire and encourage you through my blogs.
Today, I want to share something amazing with you. For a few years now, I have wanted a stationary bike. Many times I had looked into some but never got one. I put a stationary bike on my vision wall. 
I like to stay fit and like going for a run and walk. Having kids, it can be discouraging going for a walk or run if there’s no one available to watch them.
In my case, I’ve always brought my children with me on my walks. I believe having them with me and pushing their stroller has helped me get rid of fats and slim me down. I am grateful for that.

However, now that I have finally purchased a stationary bike, I now have the luxury of doing my runs and walks on my bike. I also I’m aware that there’s this spirit of laziness that sets in after you finally get something you want especially relating to staying fit. I am making myself this promise that I will use the heck out of my new bike. After all, the bike won’t use itself 😂 

This bike is like knowledge. We may be knowledgeable of God’s law and principles but if we never apply them, we won’t see the blessing in our lives. 
I encourage you, believe God at His word. Believe that good is yours now. God loves you but He won’t do for you what can be done through you. 

With that being said, I am on my bike while I write this blog. Now, I’m keeping my word to myself.

How will you keep you promise to yourself today?
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Friday, February 5, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this message meets you well. Today is a beautiful day! Thanks for checking out my blog today.
So, I wanted to share something that is helping me daily. Your thoughts and how they impact your life. It is not a secret that our minds rule our lives. By this statement I mean. What we think about most of the time is what we get in experience. How does this relate to you and me? Here’s how it does. See, if we pray to God for a blessing but think about the struggle, we won’t see or enjoy the blessing. The way we truly enjoy the blessing is by changing our mind from the place of struggle and pain to a place of blessing and enjoyment.
We think in pictures and God answers us according to our faith. What does faith mean? Faith is believing God at His word and acting as if what we’ve prayed for is already ours and we have possession of.
It all starts in our minds. We can’t trust God for health and think disease and sickness.
The scripture I share with you is this:
What will you think about today that can change your life? How will you use the words of this scripture to change the pattern of your thoughts? Here’s what I am going to do; I’m going start thinking on purpose. I’m going to trust God at HIS word and dance like all my pains are gone.

I hope this blessed you!
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is an amazing day and I’m kinda enjoying using my phone to update my blog and inspire my dear friends. 
In case you didn’t know, you are my friend and I am thankful to be able to come to your screens everyday. 
My goal is to remind me and you of our greatness. Because there are people who’s job it is to hypnotize us into believing that we are just humans. We are more than humans. We are spirits wearing the clothes of flesh. We have emotions and thoughts but we are neither.
We have the power to improve our lives and change any situation and that power lies within us. It doesn’t matter how out of control or painful your life is. God can and has already made a way out for you. 
I used to think that if I cried my eyes and heart out to God, then God would answer me faster and things would change for me. Oh boy! Was I so WRONG! If you’re currently using this technique, dump it immediately. It won’t work and you’ll be miserable. Here’s what I have learned and I keep practicing since I was scheduled to die but God saved me. 
Use your imagination to create the life you would love. Start thinking about God’s goodness. Stop worrying and being afraid. 
God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. 
The way you change your life is by changing the images you have of yourself and your life in your mind. 
I am aware that most people would rather stay right where they are because it is comfortable or convenient or because they are too afraid to brave change.
Here’s what I am doing differently: I am braving change. I am working on my mind. I am setting images of defeat, unworthiness and lack on fire and replacing them with images of the life I would really love. 
I know I am worthy of the good I desire and I am going all out for it. 
You deserve all the good you desire. Make a decision to go all out for it. You can do it!
Remember, it’s all in your mind. What you think about affects how you feel and how you feel, attracts people and situation that will make you keep feeling that way. 
Start by breathing in and out and then consciously directing your mind on purpose to think on the good you want. Give thanks to God as if your life is filled with all the good you desire and watch what happens.
I love you!💕 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope you’re all doing great. It’s nice to be back on your screens today. I don’t want to keep you here too long. Here’s a message I have for you. YOU ARE LOVED!
You’re worthy of love and peace. You deserve good things and good things are attracted to you. Your life is getting better each day. Everything works out for you. You are loved! Stop worrying about things that you can’t control and start getting excited about the good you desire. Life is good! We choose the good we want through our thoughts.
As you go to bed tonight, remember that God cares for you and I am grateful for you. You are Loved!

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Monday, February 1, 2021



Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. You went to bed last night and woke up. Maybe you were stressed last night but here you are in a new day.

Today is a new day and a new opportunity. Let go of the heaviness, guilt, fears and despair of yesterday and embrace this present moment. 

What are you grateful for? I am learning to be more grateful for the blessings in my life in each given moment and the more I do this, the happier and stronger I feel. I also notice that when I focus on things and people I don't like, I feel bad and heavy. Honestly, I don't like feeling bad because there's neither joy nor hope nor is there power in feeling these negative emotions. God is all Good and all Love. I want to always be a channel of GOD's love and good. So today, I intend to stay happy and hopeful. I intend to feel my power and put a smile on the faces of the people who I come in contact with today. Today, I intend to show the nature of God through my attitude towards everyone I come across. Today, I intend to embrace life and send love and goodwill towards all. Today, I intend to accept without reservations God's unconditional love for me and walk like all things are possible for me.

And I encourage you to do the same. Don't go about life trying to change people. Someone wise once said and I repeat "change you and your world will change." Don't go about life looking for people to change but live your life changing the last version of you to a better you and as you do so, you will inspire others to do the same. 

Have a blessed day!

Remember, Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Hello my friends. Tonight I have a special word to share with you. No matter what happens to you, don’t ever let your drive and fire for life die! Here’s a simple but profound quote I came across on Instagram that captured my heart. I hope it speaks to you too.
“The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live,” Norman Cousins.
How amazing!
Here’s a screenshot of the quote. 
I hope you have pleasant night!
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 Good evening my friends. I hope this blog meets you in great spirit. I am so happy to be blogging after what seems like a couple of days of a whole lotta activities.

Before I share my new pieces with you all, I wanted to share a word of wisdom that spoke to my soul a few moments ago. This was shared by a wise soul I follow on Instagram. 

"If you see yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value." 

How amazing this quote is. I now consciously stop myself whenever I feel like I am trying to prove my worth. It is no use trying to prove anything to anyone. Now, I just want to be better than I was the day before, the year before and so on. The enemy in my thoughts may want to get me to try to prove myself but I am awake to where my awareness goes and I make sure to change that. I encourage you today, don't try to prove your worth to anyone. You're amazing!

Now let's move on to the reason for this post. I decided to choose a couple of pieces that I thought would look good and comfortable on me. I must say that I am content with my picks. I am really happy I chose them because they are amazing. They exceeded my expectations.

Wine Loungewear Tracksuit Set - Maria:

I am very happy with this wine loungewear set. It is vibrant and soft and fits like it was tailor-made for me. I love the vibrant wine contrast with my chocolate skin. I look like something dripped in wine covered chocolate. LOL... If there's such a thing. You can check this out by clicking the link above the picture.
I look like a model posing for Vogue magazine in this picture. 

Stone Oversized Split Side Knitted Jumper - Lore:

I love this jumper. It is soft and comfortable. I believe you can dress it up or down. It just depends on what you want really. I decided to pair it up with my distressed jean shorts here because it looks cute. You can definitely style it however you want. Link to order is above. 

Fashion is about you. You choose and pick what makes you feel like you or good. I love clothes and different styles give me different vibes. At the core, I love clothes that I feel comfortable in.

I hope this inspired you in some way. 

Don't let anyone steal your joy!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try These Three Things

 Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day and are not letting anyone or thing steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you all for joining me.

So today, I want to give you 3 things to help you when you're feeling overwhelmed. See, I know and understand what being overwhelmed feels like. I am very active and busy and I live life, I mean I live it to the full each and everyday. I get myself involved in projects and create my own projects. So, I get it if you're feeling overwhelmed right now. I'd like to share 3 things with you today that help me transmute that feeling into a feeling of joy and gratitude.

1. Break down the condition or thing into smaller parts. I look at the situation or thing that is getting me overwhelmed. I break it down into simple doses that I can handle during the day. For instance, if I have overcommitted myself and my day seems to be a rush from one thing to the other, I stop, take a look at my schedule and choose the important ones to be done and break them down into parts, grouping them according to priority. There's that one thing that has to be done now, I do it and then give myself time to rest before moving unto the next. Organize your tasks into simple actions. When you do this, you'll start feeling better. 

2. Abandon everything and go for a walk. So, there are times when you feel so overwhelmed that it begins to feel like you're being strangled by your tasks. When you start feeling this way, step back. Go out for a walk in nature or around the block. Don't think about the tasks to be done. Just walk and focus on your breathing. You'll notice that as you walk and breathe, you start feeling better. This works all the time.

3. Gratitude Rampage: whenever you start feeling overwhelmed. Take a moment to give thanks that you have things to do. Start counting your blessings. Look around you and see the people and things you're grateful for and start giving thanks for the blessings in your life. There are so many people in the world who wish they had something to do. Some wish they could have tasks to get to but don't have any or can't put the courage together to go for it. But here you are, going after your dreams and working at it. See it as a blessing and I promise you, you'll make your day better.

I hope these steps inspired you today. Keep dreaming and keep doing for your dreams will be expressed as your reality in no time.

With gratitude and love,


Tuesday, January 19, 2021



Good evening wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well.

I am so excited to be sharing what I am about to share with you tonight. I hope your day has been productive and joyful. Here's what I want to share: So, yesterday, I came across a very powerful quote from John C. Maxwell. Something about these words ignited a fire for goal-achieving in me. Here is the quote: "Dare to Dream but please Do, for dreamers are many but doers are few. A doer understands Hope and takes the active path and not the passive path of optimism." 

I just want to encourage you tonight, think about what small step you can take tonight that will draw you closer to your dream. Always think about what step you can take right where you are and I promise you, you will receive inspiration as you keep moving. Most people's dreams don't come to pass because they are not active in their hope. I have and am still learning that actively pursuing my goals will draw my goals closer to me. 

Let's make 2021 a year of unusual breakthroughs by actively going after our goals. 

Here's the last episode of my just concluded series on YouTube. Please watch and be inspired.

 I pray that all your dreams come true in Jesus Name! Amen!!

With gratitude,
