Saturday, February 13, 2021


Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you well. I’m happy. Are you happy?
You should always be happy because happiness is your natural state of being. You’re amazing! God loves you  and I love you. This is a great day and time. Life is good and God is good!
Can you be grateful now like all of your struggles and pain are over? Can you appreciate God like you’re already the person you want to be?
Don’t make the mistake of living your life for what people would say or not say, do or not do, think or not think. That’s living in reaction and that’s not living at all. Don’t do things because of what people say and how they will respond. Do it as unto God. Be joyful about your life. Don’t live like you’re needing people’s approval or love. 
You already have all the love and approval from God. 
Do you wanna be happy? Stop the suffering by cutting off attachment to things and people, memories and activities that don’t bring you joy and peace!

I choose to live by the principle of imagining that I am that which I ask God to make of me. 
I’m learning to act the part I want God to place me. The facts may want to tell me otherwise but I am not basing my dreams and vision on facts but on reality. God is real and every moment is new. That means everything new is being created in the moment for me to experience by God.
It’s always great to have goals. Something that gets you excited. Putting your energy into creating something new that makes you happy and brings joy to the world. God prospers those who think prosperity. 
Here’s a quote I want you to read. This quote is on my office wall. It inspires me and blesses me.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau

Believe so much in your dream that it would be so foreign to not believe.
Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!

Friday, February 12, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you’re having a great day. Thank you for checking out my blog today. 
Today, I’d like to ask a few questions and the goal for these questions is to expose the lie you and I have believed. 
Who told you that you were not good enough for the love that you desire? Who told you that good things can only happen to certain people but not you? 
Who told you that resources are scarce and you can only have a limited amount? Who told you that God wants you to live poor, beat down and miserable? Who told you that your best days are behind you or will never come? Who told you that your past mistakes and failures determine your future?
Who told you that your riches are in heaven so live poor and miserable now for future blessings? Who told you that you don’t deserve good things? Who told you pain, sickness and shame are a part of life? Who told you that?
Whose lies have you believed?
The God in you doesn’t recognize conditions and past failures. The God in you is not limited by circumstance or anyone. The God in you is so BIG that nothing or NO ONE can limit your God.
Here’s how you keep yourself from the blessings of peace, love, joy, beauty and abundance. You think you’re not enough and you fill your mind with images and stories of why you’re not enough. Stop it right now!
Start calling yourself blessed. Start seeing yourself blessed. Start acting blessed and start speaking the blessing over your life. Reject the old pattern of thinking and belief in lack, pain, sickness and not enough and start seeing the abundance of God which surrounds you everyday. 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Thursday, February 11, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a good day and I’m grateful that you’re a part of my world. God is good and I am thankful.
So, while I was studying a very good book this morning, I came across this excerpt and I want to share it with you. 
“What is the remedy for the conditions of poverty and lack?
We must enlarge our consciousness of Substance and increase our faith in God.”
Why is it that some people live in perpetual limitation and want?
They possess a belief that they can never be rich.”
Putting the Prosperity Idea To Work by Robert A. Russell.
You have to fill your mind with the things you want before you can have it. It takes work to focus on what you want because what you don’t want dreams so loud and wants your attention. Things you take your attention from die! Do you know that you feed your energy and life force to the things and people you focus on? It’s either it’s growing you or causing you to disintegrate. Be the maker of your destiny and choose wisely. Help God help you! God works with your focus and intention. 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day and I’m grateful for being a part of it. 
So I have been trying to set myself straight on life. You may wonder what I’m talking about and I’m about to explain shortly. But, in life, we are constantly facing new challenges and that’s constant. Life is a puzzle and each piece in this puzzle called life is a puzzle in itself.
In the past, I used to think about inspiring people, even if it meant uninspiring myself. It was a crazy thing but I put my heart into making sure I inspired people. I would often times be drained but it didn’t matter so long as my goal was to inspire others. How wrong my approach was?! Although my intentions were pure, they stemmed out of ignorance of whose I really am.
See, God in me wants me inspired first of all. God in me, wants me to change me first and not another. 
To end suffering, you have to conquer yourself first. 

Now, I go out with the intention of being my best self and treat myself as I would want others to treat me. I see the good in me and from this vantage point, I’m able to see the perfection in others. 
Don’t try to change anyone. Change you, and everyone around you and things will begin to change also. 
I’m making myself this promise and daily too; to change me first. By this I mean improve my image of self and learn more about my Divinity. This world is ruled by thoughts. I want to operate on the higher real of love so God can pour into me new ideas that can heal and inspire humanity. 
How are you going to change you today?

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this message meets you well. I am so grateful to be here today. It’s another wonderful day to be thankful. 
Today I want to share a quote with you by Plato.
Jealousy is a killer. It is bred out of the consciousness of lack. Run away from it immediately. Nothing you see in others that God can’t do for you. God is for you.
Conquer the spirit of fear and jealousy daily by reminding yourself of God’s omnipresent abundance. Daily discipline yourself to see the good in everything and focus on God daily.
My encouragement to you is to quit being jealous and know that God has more for you than you can even comprehend. You’re worthy, you’re worth it and you’re to die for!
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!
Maryam 💛 

Monday, February 8, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this message meets you well. It is with so much joy and excitement that I write today’s post. I am always ready for a feel good story. I expect things to go well for me. I look for the good in everything and everyone. 
I want my mind filled with so much good all the time. While I practice how to consciously focus on the good, I see my life getting better and I feel better.
Friends, there’s no virtue in looking for the bad in things and people. God is good. Make a decision to look for the good in everyone.
Now with that said, I want you to stay away from energy vampires. 
Life is as good as you want it. Know that you have to learn to focus on what brings you joy and happiness.
Go about your day with a new confidence that all things always work out for you.
Don’t let anyone steal steal your joy!
Maryam 💛

Sunday, February 7, 2021


What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this blog meets you well. I am so happy to be here right now. It brings me a lot of joy and gratitude to be able to inspire and encourage you through my blogs.
Today, I want to share something amazing with you. For a few years now, I have wanted a stationary bike. Many times I had looked into some but never got one. I put a stationary bike on my vision wall. 
I like to stay fit and like going for a run and walk. Having kids, it can be discouraging going for a walk or run if there’s no one available to watch them.
In my case, I’ve always brought my children with me on my walks. I believe having them with me and pushing their stroller has helped me get rid of fats and slim me down. I am grateful for that.

However, now that I have finally purchased a stationary bike, I now have the luxury of doing my runs and walks on my bike. I also I’m aware that there’s this spirit of laziness that sets in after you finally get something you want especially relating to staying fit. I am making myself this promise that I will use the heck out of my new bike. After all, the bike won’t use itself 😂 

This bike is like knowledge. We may be knowledgeable of God’s law and principles but if we never apply them, we won’t see the blessing in our lives. 
I encourage you, believe God at His word. Believe that good is yours now. God loves you but He won’t do for you what can be done through you. 

With that being said, I am on my bike while I write this blog. Now, I’m keeping my word to myself.

How will you keep you promise to yourself today?
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Friday, February 5, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope this message meets you well. Today is a beautiful day! Thanks for checking out my blog today.
So, I wanted to share something that is helping me daily. Your thoughts and how they impact your life. It is not a secret that our minds rule our lives. By this statement I mean. What we think about most of the time is what we get in experience. How does this relate to you and me? Here’s how it does. See, if we pray to God for a blessing but think about the struggle, we won’t see or enjoy the blessing. The way we truly enjoy the blessing is by changing our mind from the place of struggle and pain to a place of blessing and enjoyment.
We think in pictures and God answers us according to our faith. What does faith mean? Faith is believing God at His word and acting as if what we’ve prayed for is already ours and we have possession of.
It all starts in our minds. We can’t trust God for health and think disease and sickness.
The scripture I share with you is this:
What will you think about today that can change your life? How will you use the words of this scripture to change the pattern of your thoughts? Here’s what I am going to do; I’m going start thinking on purpose. I’m going to trust God at HIS word and dance like all my pains are gone.

I hope this blessed you!
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is an amazing day and I’m kinda enjoying using my phone to update my blog and inspire my dear friends. 
In case you didn’t know, you are my friend and I am thankful to be able to come to your screens everyday. 
My goal is to remind me and you of our greatness. Because there are people who’s job it is to hypnotize us into believing that we are just humans. We are more than humans. We are spirits wearing the clothes of flesh. We have emotions and thoughts but we are neither.
We have the power to improve our lives and change any situation and that power lies within us. It doesn’t matter how out of control or painful your life is. God can and has already made a way out for you. 
I used to think that if I cried my eyes and heart out to God, then God would answer me faster and things would change for me. Oh boy! Was I so WRONG! If you’re currently using this technique, dump it immediately. It won’t work and you’ll be miserable. Here’s what I have learned and I keep practicing since I was scheduled to die but God saved me. 
Use your imagination to create the life you would love. Start thinking about God’s goodness. Stop worrying and being afraid. 
God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. 
The way you change your life is by changing the images you have of yourself and your life in your mind. 
I am aware that most people would rather stay right where they are because it is comfortable or convenient or because they are too afraid to brave change.
Here’s what I am doing differently: I am braving change. I am working on my mind. I am setting images of defeat, unworthiness and lack on fire and replacing them with images of the life I would really love. 
I know I am worthy of the good I desire and I am going all out for it. 
You deserve all the good you desire. Make a decision to go all out for it. You can do it!
Remember, it’s all in your mind. What you think about affects how you feel and how you feel, attracts people and situation that will make you keep feeling that way. 
Start by breathing in and out and then consciously directing your mind on purpose to think on the good you want. Give thanks to God as if your life is filled with all the good you desire and watch what happens.
I love you!💕 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

What’s up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope you’re all doing great. It’s nice to be back on your screens today. I don’t want to keep you here too long. Here’s a message I have for you. YOU ARE LOVED!
You’re worthy of love and peace. You deserve good things and good things are attracted to you. Your life is getting better each day. Everything works out for you. You are loved! Stop worrying about things that you can’t control and start getting excited about the good you desire. Life is good! We choose the good we want through our thoughts.
As you go to bed tonight, remember that God cares for you and I am grateful for you. You are Loved!

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!

Monday, February 1, 2021



Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. You went to bed last night and woke up. Maybe you were stressed last night but here you are in a new day.

Today is a new day and a new opportunity. Let go of the heaviness, guilt, fears and despair of yesterday and embrace this present moment. 

What are you grateful for? I am learning to be more grateful for the blessings in my life in each given moment and the more I do this, the happier and stronger I feel. I also notice that when I focus on things and people I don't like, I feel bad and heavy. Honestly, I don't like feeling bad because there's neither joy nor hope nor is there power in feeling these negative emotions. God is all Good and all Love. I want to always be a channel of GOD's love and good. So today, I intend to stay happy and hopeful. I intend to feel my power and put a smile on the faces of the people who I come in contact with today. Today, I intend to show the nature of God through my attitude towards everyone I come across. Today, I intend to embrace life and send love and goodwill towards all. Today, I intend to accept without reservations God's unconditional love for me and walk like all things are possible for me.

And I encourage you to do the same. Don't go about life trying to change people. Someone wise once said and I repeat "change you and your world will change." Don't go about life looking for people to change but live your life changing the last version of you to a better you and as you do so, you will inspire others to do the same. 

Have a blessed day!

Remember, Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!
