Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a very special day to me. I was blessed 3 years ago with an Angel like no other and her name is Zoe Zoza Shumate also known as Sweet Zozo. I’m so happy to say that being a mom to my Angel is a beautiful thing. She is smart, strong, loving, sweet, compassionate and confident. I am so proud of her and I know she’ll do amazing things in this world. May God’s Divine plan for her take precedence always in Jesus Name. Amen!

To those of you trusting God for a baby, I pray that the same Grace that came upon me, comes on you now and gives you your gifts 9 months from today in Jesus Name. Amen!!! Start preparing by buying a box of baby diapers and wipes. Look at them daily and declare “my miracle is on the way! My baby/babies will be wearing these 9 months from now.” Just keep declaring and feel happy and grateful. Watch and see the salvation of the Lord.

God is good and I am very grateful today and always.
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Thursday, April 15, 2021


Hello everyone. I hope this message meets you well. I am always so excited to blog and share my life with you all. Life is good and God is great!
The reason for this post is to share why I haven’t been going live like before.
The reason I haven’t been live lately is that I am very busy with my business. I have talked a lot about prosperity and God’s blessings. I believe that the best way to show people how good God is, is to be the example of the type of person you tell them they can be. In essence, I have been working on myself and my business. I have a novel coming out soon 😬. Be on the look out for it. It’s a Romance novel and it’s going to be real good!
Don’t EVER with people about how amazing your God is, show them by the goodness of God in your life.

I hope you’re not letting people or yourself steal your joy. 
Thank you!
Maryam 🤩

Monday, April 12, 2021


“Your calm mind is your ultimate weapon against all your challenges,” Gaur Gopaldas.
Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It’s always a joy to post a blog. I hope you’re all having a blast today.
Today, I want to remind you that you’re powerful and don’t have to keep giving your power away to fear and people. Decide to let faith lead you and not fear today. Approach life with a calm mind and I promise, you’ll see a huge difference in your life.

Are you looking to check out new products and get 100% cash back? Let me tell you about Rebatest. Rebatest offers you the opportunity to test thousands of products and leave your review for Amazon sellers and get money back guaranteed. You can cash out any amount from your Rebates Account. Payouts are made via PayPal. 
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Start shopping and earning money today. 
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 What's up everyone? I hope this email meets you well. Today is a great day and the sun is shining bright outside. I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Thank you all for checking out my blog today. 

I was just thinking about what to share today and this thought came to me. What if the thing or person you're pursuing doesn't work out? What do you do? What should you do? How do you deal with the disappointment and pain? 

Well, here's how I have dealt with such disappointments. I cry for a second and then let it GO!

The fact that something or someone didn't workout like you expected, doesn't mean your life has to be over. If you tried everything to ensure you had your happy ending but it still didn't workout? Be proud of yourself, bless the situation and have faith or keep the hope that better is coming to you. The truth is, in every situation that you give your best but didn't get the best from, there's better always come after the disappointment. Life is too precious to dwell on people and things that didn't workout. Your happiness doesn't end with the ones who left or the things that didn't work out. In fact, your happiness is always with you. Happiness is who you are. 

Don't get stuck on what didn't happen and get excited for what you would love to happen. Life is in the livingness of it. How can you truly be about the business of living while stuck on the past?

I encourage you today, get up, look up, dust off and keep moving. Get excited about greater and better opportunities awaiting you NOW.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Thursday, April 8, 2021


What’s up everyone. I hope this message meets you well. It’s so good to blog today. Have you been following my Instagram? If not, here’s my handle @maryamsjoyfullifeblog
Today, I want to encourage you and me. It’s all good! No matter what’s happening right now, it’s all good! God is in control and has this under control. Stop trying too hard to control people and things. You’re only going to drive yourself crazy. You will lose your peace and joy when you try to control people and situation. 
Let your heart be set on God and live in harmony with yourself. Know that you’re not perfect and will mess up but don’t try to mess up. Acknowledge that you will make mistakes but do all you can with all that you’ve been blessed with every time. Let your heart love without expectations. Okay, this is where I say we all need to work on. I am learning to live without expectations or attachments. 
Life is beautiful if we think it is but truly it is. Life is sweet! God is good. Let’s get over our fears and embrace the good that is ours today. 
I hope you were inspired today. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you today.Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Monday, April 5, 2021


Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It’s Easter Monday and I want to say Happy Easter to you all. I hope you’re happy and blessed.
I wish you so much love and joy now and forever. 
May your week be pleasant and your heart be glad always!
You matter and God cares for you.
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 


Friday, April 2, 2021


What’s up everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I hope this post meets you well. It’s a beautiful day today and I’m filled with so much joy, sharing another post with you.
Have you ever wondered why it seems like when you pray so hard, then there’s stronger attacks and animosity towards you by people or situation?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt like the harder I prayed, the heavier the situation. This was in the past. Well, thank God for the spirit of revelation and understanding.
The reason why you feel heavy or I felt heavy was because I didn’t let go of resentment and all the heavy burdens I was carrying consciously or unconsciously. Prayer, brings to the surface the erroneous beliefs and tendencies to exposes them to the light.
That’s why the Lord’s Prayer is so powerful. “Our father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. They kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses; as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen!”
When you let go of past hurts and pain, you’re making room for God to come through. When God comes through, blesses follow.
This also works with the physical houses we live in.
 I see myself getting into the habit of changing my space based on the season and it’s been fun.

Here’s a little bit of inspiration for you today. Recently I found out about www.lastingpicsframed.com and I have been loving their products. They make beautiful frames with your pictures and have a variety of styles as products  you can choose from, on their website. Here’s a few I had made recently:

These pictures are gorgeous. I love the joy my kids and I express.
For a limited time ONLY! You can have yours made also. Just go to www.lastingpicsframed.com and place your order. Use my code: SHUMATE10 for 10% off your order. Offer expires in 13 days. You also get free shipping if you order between now and 5 days time. 
When you change your spaces by adding or removing old pieces to include something new, you’re creating room for new things to flow into your life.
Have an amazing month!
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021



Hello everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I hope you and your families are doing well. It is always a joy to write and share insights with my lovely friends. I love sharing and I am grateful for a platform where I get to share my lessons with you all. Please Subscribe to get notifications when a new blog is posted. Thank you!

Have you ever felt left out? Have you ever felt like everyone else is catching a BIG break but you? Have you ever felt like life is unfair to you and you haven't done anything to deserve it? I mean, you're a good person; you don't cheat, lie or take what belongs to others, yet all the bad luck seems to find you.

Are you feeling powerless because EVERYTHING you've been advised to do, you've done BUT still, life remains the same. You're still broke, broken and sad. Well, you are in the right place. 

See, God doesn't withhold our good from us. In fact, the Bible tells us that when we ask, it is given unto us. However, we have to receive the gift we ask for actively. Here's what I have learned from personal experience. When you pray, you have to see yourself with the thing you ask for in prayer. You have to act like you are the person who already has those things and give thanks like all your prayers have been answered.

This type of mindset requires you to actively reject every thought and inner conversation that is condemning you. The answer to your prayers is done by God but you have to be RECEPTIVE. How can you be receptive? By rejecting thoughts of fear, anxiety, condemnation and resentment. You have to let go of the pain, in order to be free from it. Occupy your mind with the thoughts and imagination of the FINISHED WORK: The feeling of your prayers answered. 

Start affirming that you are now happy, joyful, abundant and the person you want to be. Declare that God has answered you and start acting like you're already living the life you've asked for in prayer. 

I do this on purpose now. I remind myself of whose and who I am. A child of God and Divine in nature. All things are mine by the promise of God. So, I go about giving thanks and affirming that God has already done it and IT IS DONE!

Try it and share your testimony with me when you receive your blessing.

Don't let anyone steal your joy😃!


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

IT ALL WORKED OUT FOR ME|| Feat Femme Luxe Refinery

Hello everyone. It’s always a joy to share with you all. 
Hope you’re all going great and life is treating you all well. In today’s blog, I want to say to you that it’s all worked out. Everything worked out and it is amazing! Even in the midst of what seems a chaotic mess, it all worked out in my favor. It’s so glorious to think that it all worked out for me. God is good!
Will you believe that it all worked out for you?
Make it a decision to b believe in the impossible and you’ll soon find yourself living the impossible.
Let’s talk fashion now 😊
Fashion is great but you have to know what makes you feel good and looks good on you. I love clothes and I realize that fashion is a blend of how you see yourself and how you want to be perceived by those around you.
The fun part about fashion is, you can change the perception you have of yourself by what you're wearing at any point in time. There are styles you wear that make you feel serious and there are styles you wear that make you feel playful. With this in mind, I choose my clothes based on how I am feeling. 
There are days when I feel like lounging in a fun way. During such days, I choose one of my many loungewears set by  https://femmeluxe.co.uk in a neutral color and relax in it. 

Each color has it's own vibration. Yellow for instance, has the vibration of playfulness and joy.  When I want to feel joyful and playful, I choose this color. It lifts up your mood and brings happy to you. 
Some of us gravitate towards certain colors, based on our perception of ourselves. If you're the kind to stick to a particular color, I'd like to challenge you to try a different color. 
Sometimes, when we feel like nothing exciting or inspiring has happened to us in a while, all we need is a change of color pattern in our clothes and we begin to feel different and welcome excitement into out lives.
Someone once said, to change a situation, you have to introduce a different mindset. You can't change a situation with the same mindset that created it.

One of the reasons I enjoy  https://femmeluxe.co.uk is the opportunity to try different styles and patterns. I get to be a chameleon. The fact that the clothes are stylish and affordable makes it amazing!

I love my new pieces from https://femmeluxe.co.uk
Here’s a few pieces I received recently. I love them and wanted to share them with you. I have also included the direct links to order these clothes at the top of each style. The reason I love femme luxe refinery Uk is that they have fashionable clothes at very affordable rates.

Khaki Loungewear Tracksuit Set https://femmeluxe.co.uk/khaki-loungewear-tracksuit

Khaki green. It’s gorgeous and I like how soft this material is.
Ask me what I’m wearing right now 😀. It’s this very same loungewear 😂 

Brown Black Patterned Crop Knit Jumper 

This brown and black cropped knit jumper reminded me of a Fendy design and I had to pick it.

Grey Marl Ribbed Oversized Round Neck Jumper https://femmeluxe.co.uk/grey-marl-ribbed-oversized-round-neck-jumper-side-pocket-skinny-joggers-loungewear-set-kori/

I love this style. It’s natural and neutral. Just my jam.

The eyes are the window to the soul. 

Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Maryamsjoyfullife 🌞🙏🏾

Saturday, March 27, 2021


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. It is always a joy to write to you. Life is beautiful when we share with others. This is me sharing life with you in the most candid way.
So, have you ever experienced a moment of shock in your life when everything doesn’t make sense? A moment that you want to go away so fast but seems to linger on forever? 
Has someone you trusted and believed would never hurt you, hurt you so bad that it’s taking a while to recover from the shock?
If you have, you’re in the right place. See, when unexpected things happen to us, we have two choices. 
1. We run from them
2. We face them
Here’s the catch. If you run from an enemy, it chases you down. However, if you face it, it has no choice but to give way to you.
Facing the enemy. When you make that choice to face the enemy, God and His armies will back you up.
Let me be clear about something. By facing the enemy I mean, don’t become resentful of how you should’ve, could’ve and would’ve done different. Accept that it happened and give God thanks.
The expectation is for you to be broken and lose hope. But don’t! Choose not to lose hope. Choose not to give in. Choose to surrender to God and let God fight your battle!
Focus on the good you want. Empty your mind of the wrong and pain. Keep moving forward.

Don’t let anyone steal your joy! 🤩
Maryamsjoyfullife 🌞💛

Thursday, March 25, 2021


Hello wonderful people. I hope this message meets you well. It’s a beautiful rainy day today at Hampton, Ga. I love the rain. The rain washes all the negative energy and dirt off the surface and clears the atmosphere of polluted air. It’s beautiful. The food we eat is grown with rain water. So amazing to have the rain.

Today’s blog is really not about the rain. It’s about the strangest thing that happens when we begin to use our mind differently. See, our mind is like a fertile soil, similar to the soil we walk on and grow our food in. The soil doesn’t care what you plant in it, it will grow and multiply it.
Your mind is a soil. It doesn’t matter what kind of thought you plant/think in it, it grows and multiplies it.
Here’s a quote shared by Earl Nightingale in the recording “Strangest Secret”, this quote is by Marcus Aurelius “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”
WOW! So profound and amazing! Here’s how I have come to an utmost commitment to control my thoughts. I used to think poor little old me thoughts and wondered why my life was a mess. Well, now I know. I become what I think about. So, if I want to change my results, I have to start seeing and speaking myself like the person I want to be and then I’ll be the person I have thought and spoken myself to be.
Our thoughts are also influenced by the people and shows and things we are around or watch. It is necessary to change our circle and limit the amount of time we spend around negative life-sucking energy vampires. They are everywhere but you get to choose who comes into your energy field. 
Make a goal of who you want to be and what you want and focus on it with gratitude. Watch and see the changes that start happening.
I am happy to keep experimenting with the “strangest thing!” Thoughts become things and I’m going to devote my life ONLY thinking about what I want. 

Don’t let anyone steal your joy!