Friday, June 18, 2021



Good morning everyone. Hope this blog meets you well. Today is a great day and I am super excited to be sharing this post with you all. Do you know that God is always good?

I am now aware that by our thoughts, words and actions we limit God with our ignorance of the law.

While we live in a world that has limiting laws, we serve a God who is not bound by nature. By nature I mean any insurmountable difficulty you might be faced with right now. There is NO THING too difficult for God to see you through nor transform. God is for you.

For the past hour, I have been declaring that "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set ME free from the law of sin and death," Roman 8:2. If there's a difficulty that is proving stubborn in your life right now, I dare you to speak this scripture with conviction over it. You just keep speaking this scripture until you feel peace. There's Power in the Word of God.

God is for you! Remember, the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set YOU free from the law of lack, shame, setbacks, bareness, stagnation, confusion and loneliness in Jesus Name.  Amen!

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Wednesday, June 16, 2021



Good morning everyone. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It is a beautiful day and I am very grateful for this day. God is good and I am thankful.

Today, I choose happy. Today, I choose abundance in my thoughts, my actions and activities. I don't know about you, but I make this promise to myself today, that I am choosing to live abundantly in every way.

It may have been difficult up until now, but you are here now. God is for you and this is YOUR DAY! This is MY DAY and it is a gift I choose to receive abundantly and give of myself and talents abundantly. I am choosing happiness today. What about you?

As much as I have lived, I have discovered that your intentions shape your world. Today, I intend to have a wonderfully abundant day!

It is a good day and a good morning. You are wonderful. I had to remind you of that. 

As you approach this day, seek first God's Kingdom. Trust in the Lord and commit all that is bothering you into God's hands and give thanks that YOUR GOD has taken care of it. Then go about your day with a heart of gratitude expecting your miracle.

I feel it in my bones. This is a day of many miracles. 

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Disclaimer: picture is from

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 Good afternoon wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. It is always a privilege to post these articles. I am super excited for this one.

So, I want to talk about The Law of Attraction. There's millions of posts about it but seems not many people understand it. The Law of attraction is a secondary natural Law. The Primary law is The Law of Vibration. It states that we attract to ourselves whatever we are in harmony with. Let me break it down further. When you think about a sandwich and hold onto that thought, you will get a sandwich. It is either someone gives you a sandwich or you get that sandwich by yourself. If you still hold on to the thought, throughout your day, you will find yourself listening to people talk about a sandwich and you will also come across pictures of sandwiches. 

These are the pennies I picked up earlier.

Earlier this morning, when I went out for a run, I came across a penny on the sidewalk. I told myself that I would pick it up after my first run around the block, if it is still there. Guess what? After three laps around the block, I decided to go for that penny. While I was cooling down with a walk around the block, I found a penny. While I kept walking, I found another penny and then another and another. Before I got to the penny that I had promised myself I would pickup, I had almost 10 pennies and a quarter. 

Here's what I understand about The Law of Attraction, you will find what you are looking for if you hold on to the thought and the feeling that you already have it. When you focus on what you want and not worry about how it is going to come to you, you have LET GO AND LET GOD! Each time you let go and let God, you will experience speedy manifestation of the good you desire.

We are tempted to worry about what we don't have, not knowing that we are missing the gift of the present moment. Each time we worry about what we don't have, we are saying dear God, we don't want what we need. Feeling is a powerful force. If you stay with the feeling of gratitude for what you have and what you desire, you will draw more of what you want into your life every single time.

The Law of attraction is a natural law that comes into play when we have a certain feeling about something or someone. If we allow a feeling of hate or resentment, we will attract more of that into our lives. 

For those among you reading this, currently going through a financial crisis, try to focus on the amount of money that will take care of your needs. Think about it and give thanks for 90 seconds. Don't entertain any feeling of negativity. Do that as often as you can and I promise, you will notice the difference in your body, consciousness and wallets.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Thursday, June 10, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a good day and God is always good.

How are you doing today? I hope you are doing well. 

Today, I want to share a verse I read with you today. It is from the book of Matthew 20. It talks about an employer giving employment to a variety of people. Some were hired earlier and others later but each negotiation, each person agreed to be paid a certain amount. When they were paid, the ones who came in early were upset that the boss paid those who came later the same amount that he paid them. The boss reminded them that they agreed to that amount. 

See, God is just and will give us exactly what we ask for. It doesn't matter how long you have been in the faith. It is the container you bring that will be filled. Please bring a big container if you want big. Secondly, don't ever get jealous of other's blessings. The same God who blessed them is with you NOW AND for you ALWAYS! Just ask and it shall be given.

Go and have an amazing day!

Good morning!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Good Morning There! IT IS A GOOD MORNING

Good morning sweet friend. You are amazing. I am happy to be writing to you today. It is truly an amazing day! Do you feel it? Do you hear it? God is for you and always will be.

No amount of past mistakes and failure can keep you from God's love and mercy. With that being said, get up! Step into this day with the confident assurance that God is for you and all good things are yours. Step into this day with joy and gladness knowing that He who has begun this good work in you is able to perfect it.

Weights and heaviness are a result of our amnesia of who we are really. We are amazing and powerful beyond our flesh can fathom so the flesh works hard to keep us from knowing that.

Stop repeating your past failures to yourself. Start walking towards the direction of your dream. This morning is a good time to start. Start your journey to realization NOW! Go on. I am cheering you on. You got this! God's got you. Tell yourself that you are worthy and deserve good. 

I hope you know how amazing you are. 

Listen to today's podcast:

I know you will have an amazing day!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Good afternoon everyone. Hope this blog meets you well. I’m so happy to be here again because it’s always a blessing talking to you all. 
Today is an amazing day and I’m thankful to be  here right now.
So, I want to share a lesson I learned about procrastination. I hope you’re ready because it’s a good one 😊.
Why do most people feel stuck and stagnated? One of the reasons is procrastination.
If you keep putting off what you can do today to move you in the direction of your dream tomorrow, you’ll remain where you are. 
It’s not enough to know where you’re going, you also need to take action no matter how little, in that direction. “Your next level is connected to your actions NOW!” That’s a paraphrase quote I learned from my pastor Real Talk Kim of Limitless Church.

A lot of people are too scared to take the first step towards the dream they want and so they keep procrastinating doing what needs to be done today.
I have learned to take actions even if I don’t know where it leads. I like taking action towards my dream. Life is in the livingness of it. If you never move by taking the first step, you can’t take possession of the blessing.
Now movement in the right direction may be writing down possible names for your new business or researching the business you’d like to start.
Nothing happens until you move. 
Here’s how I’m moving forward this week:
1. I make sure to tell people about my business whenever I go out. I usually do it at the grocery store and post office. I introduce myself and then share my products with them.
2. I’m not intimidated by their rejection. I go with the mentality that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Michael Jordan’s reference. 
3. Give it my all. If it still doesn’t work out, at least I’ll be at peace knowing I gave it my best shot.
4. Learn from people in the business. I watch videos and read blogs written and produced by people doing what I want to do.
5. I breathe because life is a gift and I have to remind myself to be happy and grateful in the moment.
That’s it guys. I hope this inspires you to take action on your dream today.
Remember to checkout my books on Amazon. They are listed on the right side of this screen.
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Hello everyone. I hope this post meets you well. Today is a beautiful day and it’s a privilege to be alive. Hope you all have had a wonderful day. In this post, I’d like to encourage you all.
Are you currently struggling? Is something bothering you? Are you asking God when it will be your turn?
Well, these questions are valid and expected. The reason you ask is because there’s someone greater thank your circumstance and situation to answer and who has all the resources and power to make it happen. 
God will never fail you. No matter how hard your current season may seem, God is with you and can help you. 
Here’s what you should do right now. Get a piece of paper or notepad, write your feelings and thoughts down as though you’re addressing God. Don’t sugarcoat it or make it sound like you’re scared. Be real with yourself and God. Let everything you’re feeling out on that paper. When you’re done, close the book and put it aside. Get up, smile and give thanks that God has heard you. 
In my experience, anytime I’m able to write down what I am feeling, it gets it out and I have clarity and miracles happen after. The peace that comes after that exercise is indescribable. It’s so refreshing and amazing. 
I hope this helps you in some way.
I wish you joy, peace and prosperity.
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Good afternoon, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this message meets you well. Today, I want to share some of the things I do when I feel stuck with you. Before we get started, I'd like to encourage you to not feel like you're alone. Whatever may be your current situation, you are not alone. There's help right where you are but you have to be receptive to this help. God loves you and approves of you. You need to learn to accept yourself right now. 

I remember a few months back, when things were not going as I had wanted them to, I was tempted to feel sad and depressed but I chose not to let myself fall for the enemy's tricks. I have come to the conscious knowledge that I am a child of God and I am powerful beyond my own limited ability to comprehend. 

How did I come to believe this? You may want to ask. Through meditation. My experience in the silence, has convinced me of how powerful we truly are as human beings. We are creative. Our mind is powerful. We have been programmed right from childhood to focus on the outside and judge our lives based on our past experiences and current results. Your current results are a physical manifestation of your past beliefs. In order to get a different result, change your belief. A belief is a thought you keep recycling in your mind over and over again. If you think about a particular idea consistently, you will produce it in your results.

In order not to confuse you, here's what I am trying to say to you: every moment is new. If you want a different life, start thinking about it now and see yourself living that different life NOW! Get excited about the possibilities of the new and spend time in that feeling. When your mind tries to get you to focus on what is wrong in your life and with you, give yourself a break and say "I'll think about what I want for now." Make sure what you want is what YOU REALLY WANT!

To Get Unstuck, Here's What I Do:

1. I read a book about the power of the subconscious mind and meditate

2. I give a gift to a stranger or donate to charity

3. I watch one of my favorite thought leaders. I like Sadhguru, Pastor Steven Furtick and Bob Proctor.

4. I watch Elevation Worship Songs and sing along

5. I start listing the things I am grateful for.

6. I hug my children and play with them

7. I go for a walk in my neighborhood or park

8. I write a journal of how I am feeling and how I want to feel.

9. I clean the house

10. I make a video to inspire millions around the world.

Now that I have shared some of the things I do with you, what are you going to do the next time you feel stuck?

Please follow and comment below.

Get my new book "Unshakable Faith," today from my store:

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Monday, May 31, 2021

What’s up everyone. It’s Memorial Day today and I wanted to say thank you to all the men and women who have devoted their lives to make America a land of freedom and opportunities. To them and many others, I am forever grateful.
You know, it’s funny how we take things for granted until there’s an imminent threat that they might be taken from us. 
I really want to live each passing day being thankful,  for the blessings that I already have, while I prepare for the blessings I wish to have. God is amazing and life is beautiful. I’m learning daily to count my blessings and get excited for the increase I expect. 
I am thankful and so full of gratitude today for all the veterans and you. May your life be beautiful and amazing!
Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸
Don’t let anyone steal your joy 🤩 

Friday, May 28, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this post meets you all in great spirit.

Today is another beautiful day to be alive and I am grateful for the opportunity to do this thing called life. A lot has happened in our lives recently and I wanted to use this opportunity to share some of the things with you in the hope that you are inspired by them.

So, my son graduated Pre-K last weekend and it was a great thing. His teachers and school proprietors were amazing. I appreciate the work they put into my son. If anyone of them sees this post, I want you to know that I am grateful for you! May your lives be beautiful and amazing always, In Jesus Name. Amen!!

Le'Veon is smart and a very hard worker. I am proud of the person he is and the gifts that God is expressing through him. My part as his mom, is to make sure I encourage and help him realize his vision. I try not to get too carried away by the physical because I have come too far to do that. God is the center of my being and my children's. My goal everyday, is to help them realize more of God in their lives. Oh man! I am so grateful. Moms, dads, don't get overwhelmed when it comes to your children. Commit them and everything that concerns them into God's hands. That is the best thing you could ever do for them. Pray for them and declare powerful, affirmative promises of God over them. Say to them:

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace and prosperity all the days of your lives in Jesus Name. Amen!"

 Say the preceding prayer with conviction and faith over them everyday. It brings peace to you and gives God perfect control over you and your children. I have and am still learning to let God take perfect control of my life and children everyday. We are not alone in this journey, my friends. And I am not just referring to the physical journey, even in our spiritual journey; God and His host of Angels are always with us. All we need do is acknowledge God in all that we do and see the glory of God in our lives. God really does care for us but we have to daily surrender our will to His, in order to receive all the good that is already ours by Divine right. 

Take a deep breath with me*** As you release it, say these words out loud: "I let go and let God." Then smile and feel God's loving arms hold you in a tight loving embrace. 

I wish you well and am sending you a whole lot of love and light.

Next great thing that happened is that my new book, "Unshakable Faith," is now available in PDF Version for purchase on my store: Make sure to check it out today!

Thank you for your support. 

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Tuesday, May 25, 2021



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. It is a beautiful day in Hampton, Georgia and I am grateful to be alive today. God is so good and I am in awe of the blessing of today. 

Do you have anything to be thankful for today? I bet you do. You opened your eyes today. That is plenty reason to be grateful. Let us develop an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude in our daily living because it is the secret of receiving more blessings. 

I used to wonder why it is that I prayed for something to happen but there was no sign of it happening and I felt like God didn't care for me or maybe God was too busy blessing others that he forgot about me. Have you ever felt like you were not worthy of God's love and blessing? I know that feeling. Have you ever felt deserted by God to the point where you start feeling alone and in a dark place? I have felt that too. Have you ever examined yourself and just sat back to watch your thought process like a movie? If you haven't, try doing it today. I have watched my thought process and this is what I discovered; whatever I am thinking affects my posture and how I feel. 

If I am thinking pleasant memories, I feel happy and excited and my shoulders are pushed back and I stand tall but if I am thinking about my failures, disappointments and where people wronged me, I feel sour, dejected and a feeling of hopelessness sets in. I don't know about you, but I like feeling GREAT! Whenever you are not feeling good, start thinking about happy memories or about the possibilities of your wildest dreams come true. Don't get hung up on how it is going to happen. Just focus on the feeling you will have when it does happen and hold on to that feeling for as long as you can through out the day. I am consciously doing this too during the day. 

I want to share an excerpt with you from the book "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

"All religions of the world represent forms of belief, and these beliefs are explained in many ways. The law of life is the law of belief. What do you believe about yourself, life and the universe? It is done unto you, as you believe.

Belief is a thought in your mind, which causes the power of your subconscious to be distributed into all phases of your life according to your thinking habits. You must realize the Bible is not talking about your belief in some ritual, ceremony, form, institution, man or formula. It is talking about belief itself. The belief of your mind is simply the thought of your mind. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth MARK 9:23."

 Perhaps you have been praying for a special something to be given you, and there's no sign of your prayer being answered, here's what I want you to do: stop focusing on the emptiness of it and start seeing yourself in possession of it. Train your mind to see yourself in possession of that thing and declare that you have it. Stay with your resolve and don't allow the enemy convince you that it is not there. I pray that it shall be done unto you according to your belief in Jesus Name. Amen!

Don't let anyone steal your joy! Don't steal your own joy!
