Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this post meets you well. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all so much for checking out my blog today. You are truly appreciated.
Wherever you are right now reading this, I want you to know that you are loved. Your presence on Earth is valuable and no terrible thing you have been through disqualifies you from a life of peace, love and abundance. I am writing this post specifically to you. Remember that God knows your name has not deserted you. You are so amazing and so loved right now. Just get up and shakeoff whatever is weighing you down and declare this affirmation:
"I am already loved by God and I am worthy of good things. I give myself permission to receive good things in my life now. I give thanks for all the good I now have."
Make sure to feel the affirmation saturate your entire being as you speak it. Let your mind be at rest because everything is working out for your good and in your favor.
Here's something you can do today; Go outside and breathe in that fresh air. Throw your hands up in the sky and smile as you do. I have found that to work every time to make me feel better whenever I allow negative thoughts to creep in.
If you can, get some fresh indoor flowers and decorate your space with it. I have found it to bring life into my living space.
Have a great day and remember not to let anyone or anything steal your joy!