What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. It is a blessing to come to you today. How are you and how is life treating you? I hope all is going well with you. Welcome to Maryamsjoyfullife!
Today, I want to remind you that all that may seem to be going wrong in your life is simply a setup for a BIG COMEBACK! I know this because I have seen it happen to me over and over again. Whenever the enemy stirs something dumb to get you afraid, he expects you to be shaken and accept that things are going to hell. But I'm here to remind you to pray about EVERYTHING and all things. Your God is always ready to help you. Don't allow the enemy to make you believe that your life is beyond saving. For THERE'S NOTHING God cannot do. God loves you and is always ready to help you BUT, you have to be willing and receptive.
Here's how I express my willingness to God; I simply start giving glory to God in thanksgiving and then I follow it with a reminder of things in the past which seemed impossible, that God saw me through.
Praise raises my vibration and shifts my focus to God. I promise you, any time you fix your focus on God, things change.
Today, look up to God and start giving thanks that God is always ready to deliver you and then start declaring your victory in the Name of Jesus over whatever you may be facing.
Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!