Saturday, April 2, 2022



Hello wonderful, amazing sweet and lovely people. I hope this meets you well. I am so happy to share this blog today. I don't know about but anger is a b$##*!

If you allow Anger, it will steal your joy, your peace and keep you broke. I have learned different ways to get rid of anger. I am very excited to share four techniques that can help you.
I made a video about this today. Please watch and be inspired.

1. Take 7 quick deep breaths for 3 cycles
2. Take a brisk walk
3. Forgive and let Go
4. Connect to Your Higher Self through meditation and Prayer

Watching the video will put everything together for you. I hope this helps because I know it will, if you put in the work. Anger is attractive and hypnotising but you CAN NOT allow it control you because if you do, you'll have yourself to blame.
Wanna have more peace, follow the steps provided above.

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!

Monday, March 28, 2022



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this meets you well. It is truly an exciting time indeed, especially for those who have been requesting a one-on-one session with me. 

Look to the right of this screen and signup today!🠞

I am happy to present you with the opportunity to have a session with me. This will be amazing because I have some amazing tools that can help you let go of what is holding you back and keeping you overwhelmed with fear, worry, anxiety and unforgiveness. Together, I will work you through techniques that will help you release the negative energies holding you back. These negative energies are old programming keeping you stuck. Once you let go of them, I'll show you how to let the light that is already in you shine through. The beautiful thing about releasing old baggage is you get to create something better.

Sign up today and be my guest!

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Wednesday, March 23, 2022



Good afternoon, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I am so happy to post a blog today. Hope you all have been doing good.

The kids and I took a vacation to the mountains of Colorado. It was a very beautiful experience for all of us. During this trip, we enjoyed a lot of firsts, especially for Le'Veon and Zoe. They got to fly for the first time and saw 8 inches of snow, horses, wild turkeys and bisons. Needless to say that I was unneccessarily troubled about how they would handle flying for the first time. 

My advise to parents who are thinking about flying or going on a trip. Just do it and don't worry too much. Plan ahead, make sure you have all necessary documents you need. If local flight, you need your government id and all of your boarding passes for you and the kids. 

I prepared for our trip and brought documents I didn't need but hey, it's always better to over-prepare than under-prepare :) LOL!

Zozo and I posed for a shot on the plane.
Le'Veon helped Beth clean out the coral and feed the horses in the snow. He had a blast. Watch the video here:

Le'Veon was fascinated with the snow and couldn't stop playing with it. It was such a beautiful sight to see.

We went to Bishop's castle to see the wonders of the Bishop's family. Recommend for adults but not really kid's friendly because of the large holes in certain places.

We took this picture at the chapel in Bishop's castle. Apparently, you can book this as a wedding venue.

This was taken outside Bishop's castle. We made made some amazing memories during this trip and will be going back again soon.

More blogs to come about our experience.

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Monday, February 28, 2022



Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my blog today. I am grateful for you. Life is great and God has been so faithful. So, I have been going live daily on a weekly basis on my youtube channel, for about four weeks now and it has been amazing. 

I have found a new meaning to life since I started praying with my friends and it is truly amazing. I get a lot of enjoyment from offering services to others. I get very excited whenever I see the changes that occur in the lives of my friends, because of my commitment and I am inspired to keep going. The testimonies are a testiment of God's unfailing love towards us all.

Every single day, I am consciously choosing faith over fear. Faith makes the difference in my life and I enjoy sharing it with others. This moment is so powerful because we live in the moment in time where most people quit before they ever try. I am inspired to keep praying and stretching my faith because perhaps my dedication will inspire somebody.

Here's the latest episode of our prayer:

I pray that your day is filled with so much love and abundance.

Many thanks!


Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a great day! I am happy to share this blog with you. I am so happy that you are here.

God has been good to me and I am very grateful. Though it is obvious that God has been good, I find myself sometimes feeling like things are the way they used to be. If I wasn't aware, I would allow myself to think that the things God has already delivered me from are the way they used to be. 

God has answered your prayer when you prayed. However, you need to update your mind to catchup to the blessing because if you don't, the enemy will deceive you to look for the pain. The Bible is intentional about daily renewing your mind. Let your mind catchup to the blessing. Don't allow yourself to retract to what God has already healed you from. When you pray for a miracle, look for the miracle not the absense of it. Get yourself busy expecting a miracle and while you do, stay positive and excited. 

Here's why; God is the One performing the miracle and not you. If it were up to you, you wouldn't need God but it's not up to you. It's up to God. While you wait on God, be praising God for answering your prayer and get excited that since God NEVER fails, your miracle is SURE!

Thank you for reading to the end.

Join my daily live broadcasts:

Get ready for YOUR Miracle and live ready!


Monday, February 14, 2022



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely friends. Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is a great day to remind yourself of how blessed you are to be alive and also show gratitude for the special ones in your life. Today shouldn't be the only day in a year when we acknowledge the love we've been blessed with. I am encouraging myself daily to remember how blessed I am to be loved by God and my family and so many amazing people all over the world. 

Should in case you are feelign lonely, please don't. Just become aware of the love of God that even right now is flowing through you and within you. Be glad and grateful for that love and ask God to bring people into your life who will love and appreciate you like you deserve to be loved. 

Remember to show yourself some love also. You deserve to be loved.

Like my dress? Get it here:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Wednesday, February 9, 2022



Good morning wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. Today is a beautiful day. I am so happy to be writing to you, today.

The past three days I have been waking up early to share the Word of God and pray with my friends on the internent and the experience has been amazing. I have seen God do wonderful things not only for those joining me but for me. I have peace of mind and I see God bringing my goals to fruition.

Today I shared a reading from Joshua 1:5-9. If you read the scripture, you will find many emphasis on God commanding His people to be strong and courageous because He will be with them wherever they go. This scripture means so much to me because I have been through some difficult times in my life that I would never have come out of, if it wasn't for God's grace.

I encouraged myself in the midst of a difficult situation, to hold on to God's promise and keep declaring it until there was a performance in my life. Well, God always comes through for us if we faint not. He came through for me. 

I want to encourage you to hold on to God and declare the blessings of God over your life instead of claiming the negative sitaution and thinking it's always going to be that way.

Here's the link to the video:

Watch it and be blessed!

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Saturday, January 29, 2022



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I am very happy that you are here today.

Today, I want to share some tips that help me overcome the feeling of helplessness. This feeling usually manifests as an overwhelming emotion that almost paralyzes you and makes you forget everything you know and can do at the moment.

When something unexpected happens to us, the first emotion is fear. Our body starts releasing these toxic chemicals that make us feel bad and can't breathe. I have experienced these emotions and these tips I'm about to share with you, help me beat it EVERY TIME.

Here's what to do when you start feeling helpless, anxious, overwhelmed and afraid:

1. Take 21 deep breaths and concentrate on the inflow and outflow of each breath.

2. Get out of the house and step outdoors. Lift your hands aboove your head and look up. Then breathe in that fresh air with your arms in the air. 

3. Go for a fast walk. As you walk briskly, your mind becomes calm and follows the rythm of your movement.

4. Smile and say out loud, it is all working out for my good.

These steps listed above can be done at different times. If you try number 1 and it doesn't ease your mind, try number two and keep going until you feel a sense of calm within you.

I hope this helps you. If you know anyone who is always anxious or afraid, please share these tips with them.

There's always love in sharing.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!


Monday, January 24, 2022



Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my blog today. I am happy that you are here.

Here's what I need you to STOP doing right now:

STOP worrying about your resources

STOP worrying about how things will work out. 

STOP worrying about how it is all going to turn out. 

STOP arguing about your worth.

STOP focussing on what isn't bringing you peace.

START declaring healing

START claiming your blessing

START praising God for His limitless resources

START giving thanks for the good that is coming

START preparing for what you want

All the good you've been praying for is coming.

Don;t let anyone steal your joy!


Tuesday, January 18, 2022



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. It is a blessing to come to you today. How are you and how is life treating you? I hope all is going well with you. Welcome to Maryamsjoyfullife!

Today, I want to remind you that all that may seem to be going wrong in your life is simply a setup for a BIG COMEBACK! I know this because I have seen it happen to me over and over again. Whenever the enemy stirs something dumb to get you afraid, he expects you to be shaken and accept that things are going to hell. But I'm here to remind you to pray about EVERYTHING and all things. Your God is always ready to help you. Don't allow the enemy to make you believe that your life is beyond saving. For THERE'S NOTHING God cannot do. God loves you and is always ready to help you BUT, you have to be willing and receptive.

Here's how I express my willingness to God; I simply start giving glory to God in thanksgiving and then I follow it with a reminder of things in the past which seemed impossible, that God saw me through. 

Praise raises my vibration and shifts my focus to God. I promise you, any time you fix your focus on God, things change.

Today, look up to God and start giving thanks that God is always ready to deliver you and then start declaring your victory in the Name of Jesus over whatever you may be facing.

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!


Monday, January 10, 2022



Good morning, wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. I hope this blog meets you well. Today is a beautiful day and I am very excited to be blogging. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Are you currently going through a devastating life change? Do you feel like it's over for you? Is it so painful that you can't bring yourself to believe things can change? Well, I have good news for you. IT CAN CHANGE!

See, the reason you feel depressed and hopeless is because you did all you could but it obviously didn't work. Now let me introduce you to the God in you, who is always for you. As long as you keep trying to manipulate situations on your own, you will continue to re-create the same old pain. I know this from experience. I was struggling for years and didn't know what else to do. I prayed, fasted and studied the Word but nothing seemed to change until I did something different.

Here's what I did, I stopped trying too hard and praying too hard. I just started giving thanks and expressing my pain to God, declaring that God can handle it and even at the moment was in control. Then I took it a step further, I began to declare that I am a child of God and I deserve to be happy, joyful and free. The more I did that, the more the enemy was upset but that was not my concern. I just continued to focus on the blessing and power of God. Guess what? Everything changed for me. Things didn't change for me before I changed. I noticed that as I changed my perspective, everything around me couldn't help but also change to match my new perspective.

What if instead of focusing on the disappointment, you focus on the blessings you already have? 

What if instead of trying to get back at those who broke you, you focus on the strength that you already have?

What if instead of talking about the problems, you focus on God's Omniscience? 

We have made a religion out of worry and fear. We somehow have deluded ourselves to believe that we can change our lives by focusing on the pain and things that broke us but that's the very reason we are suffering. You energize and empower whatever you focus on.

Here's a better "what if": What if we focused on solution, instead of the problems? What if we get excited about the blessing we are about to see, instead of the pain staring us in the face?

In my life, I have seen God show up for me over and over again because I FOCUSED ON GOD! God is always the ANSWER to whatever you may be going through. I dare you to try God and you will see mountains become mole hills and valleys become mountains and seas dry up and problems become promotions.

Don't let anyone steal your joy!
