Good evening wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. Hope you all have had an amazing day and didnt let anyone or thing steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life! Today has been an amazing day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.
Have you ever wanted to do something you needed to do and have had the most difficult time getting started? Have you ever been so uninspired to move when you know you're supposed to move but somehow felt stuck? This blog is for you. If you have ever been so afraid to step into the kitchen because you're scared of the load of dishes waiting to be handwashed or afraid of the prepping before dinner or breakfast, this blog is for you and I totally get it.
I have found myself many a time feeling overwhelmed before I make breakfast or dinner for my family and it's made me wonder how it is that I who am always ready to make a meal for my family, would feel so scared before I step into the kitchen. because of the dishes that need washing or the prepping that needs to be done? Then I realized that as long as I kept thinking about all that I needed to do before the cooking itself started, I would be overwhelmed like most people. It is a known fact that most people don't like the prepping that goes into making a meal. If I thought too long about all that I needed to do before cooking, I would never be inspired to go make the meal for my family. Here's what I have learned to do instead; just do it. I've learned to just step into the kitchen and start prepping. Instead of sulking or thinking about how tiring it would be, I just get started and I have noticed that each time I had gotten started, the process pretty much sorts itself out. In moments when I didn't think I had the strength to prepare the meals, I have often found the strength as soon as I started.
Perhaps your situation is not in the cooking or prepping but with something important you have to do. Perhaps you are thinking about starting a new career and the thought of it scares you. I want to encourage you to take the first step. Because until you do, nothing happens. I promise you that when you take the first step, you will find the strength to take the next step after that and inspiration will come to you as you move in the direction of your dream.
You always have everything you need with you.
Don't Let Anyone Steal Your joy!