Monday, August 17, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for stopping by today.

SO, how do I feel about staying active? I think it's amazing! Freaking amazing. I love being able to run around the house and at the park chasing my active kids. I love being able to jump as high and as often as I want to, without worrying about getting hurt. 

Staying active means keeping my and body mind in order. One way I have found that really helps me stay in a place of peace and focus is stretching and deep breaths. When I do these, I find myself suddenly in the moment. Not worries about the past and and not too concerned about the future either. Life is beautiful, my friend and there is immense power in the present.

If you are a mom reading this, I want to encourage you to take time out for yourself to stretch and breathe. You do a lot for everyone, now it's time to do a lot for you. You are constantly relied upon to keep everyone safe, fed and healthy and you almost forget that you are a person too. Well, here's your reminder mama, you are VALUABLE! Don't think you have to sacrifice what you would love, so everyone else can be happy but you. From my experience, that breeds contempt and you don't want that.

I love my kids but they can be very demanding sometimes. The way that I balance taking care of them and me is by making sure I am doing things I love to do. Staying active is one of the main things that I love to do. Workout with me today by watching my video:

To follow my fitness journey and participate in working out with me, please subscribe to my fitness I have dedicated this channel to inspiring you to stay active while at home with your babies.

I am rooting for you, girl! 

With gratitude,


Saturday, August 15, 2020


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Thank you for checking out my blog today. It really means a lot.

So, something amazing happened to me today. I SOLD OUT all of my head ties. What?!!! Since I started business, I don't remember ever selling out so fast or selling out at all. LOL... God is good!

New unshakeable faith tees
I want to appreciate everyone of you who support my business. May God bless you all in abundance. May He give you courage to pursue your dreams like I am pursuing mine in Jesus Name. Amenn!! God is faithful and I am always going to trust and hold on to God. I have been through so much that was meant to kill me but God! My God ONLY knows how to triumph. By His grace, my life continues to get better and better each day.

Purple and Pink Faith tees

Are you feeling weary? Are you feeling disappointed or overwhelmed? I understand what you are going through. I'd like to encourage to trust God. Believe that God can and will help you. Let go of the reins and trust that God who made you, has the power to change your life. Stop believing in the worst that could happen and start believing in the best that can happen.

Gold Faith tee

I have also been working on a new design for tees. I have also included pictures of them to this post. I am so excited for what God is doing and where He is taking me. There's sweetness in my and all around me. I pray that sweetness surrounds you and gets into you. It is amazing. 

I have also ordered a new set of designs that will be available soon in my store: soon. I have also included the designs to this post to get everyone excited. 

I look forward to providing more service and sharing my gifts with the world. Thank you for being a part of my world. You're important. God knows you by name. Trust and believe wholeheartedly that God won't fail you. I am rooting for you!

Until next time...

With gratitude,


Friday, August 14, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you all are having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for checking out my blog today.

This new school year is different from any other in recent history. There's fear in the atmosphere and parents are worried. Covid-19 has got most parents on edge trying to make the best decision about how their kids learn. The choice between virtual learning vs. in-class learning is one that parents are most disturbed about. Like most parents, I was concerned about the whole situation with my son starting school. However, I refuse  to let the situation scare me. I realize that God is our protector and my confidence is set on God. Fear is a very negative emotion and I am choosing faith over it.

Le'Veon, during virtual learning.

I enrolled my son to a program called "Hybrid," where he gets to spend three days in class and two days at home, doing  virtual learning. So far, he has adjusted really well and it's only his first week. I am so proud of him. The only struggle is waking up very early to prepare for school. Le'Veon keeps telling me it's night and he wants to go back to bed lol...

His teacher seems really nice and she likes Le'Veon's personality. I also notice that Le'Veon already knows what he's been taught at Pre K. Because he's so advanced, he is learning to accommodate other kids who are a little bit behind him. Seeing him adjust to school and express all that we have learned together at home,makes me so proud of him. 

This school year, I choose to be hopeful and confident in God. I believe that He who blessed me with two amazing babies, will also watch over them and keep them safe. I consciously choose faith over fear always!

Per Covid-19 procedures at Le'Veon's Pre-K, they are required to keep their masks on, all day at school. They are also making sure their hands are washed often. That's something that all the kids, including mine are adjusting to. Evaluating from Le'Veon's first week, I think he likes his new school. I am very excited to see all the progress he makes and how well he adjusts to this new experience.

I want to encourage all moms not to stress about their kids. Have a positive outlook and expectations toward your child/children. Believe all is well and all shall be well. Remember, always pray for your children because God still answers prayers. Psalm 65:2

Until next time...

With gratitude,




Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for reading my blog.

This post is dedicated to those who made positive posts about me and my recent situation. I appreciate you all. God is truly good to me, in many ways than I can even begin to speak about. When it was convenient to speak evil about me and make up lies, you all chose to defend me. For that, I am very grateful. I want you all to know that every good thing you put out there in the Universe, always comes back multiplied to it's source. You will reap good from this!

Your good words and deeds are seeds that you plant. Just like every natural seed produces a harvest, always more than the seeds planted by the farmers, you will receive the reward of the seeds of kindness you sowed towards me. I am praying specially for everyone of you today. May my God bless you! May He shine His light of favor on you and all who matter to you. May your lives never be short of things to celebrate in Jesus Name.

I have been on a spiritual journey of awakening and it's truly amazing. The things that I have learned are truly amazing. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is "No Good deed goes Unrewarded and there's immense power in Positivity. Always stay positive in your thoughts and actions, regardless of what your situation maybe. 

Here's a video I made for you:

I apologize for not mentioning your names, but you all know yourselves. 

May God bless and show you favor all the days of your live in Jesus Name. Amen!

With gratitude,


Thursday, August 13, 2020



What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing tonight? I hope you've all had an amazing day and didn't let anything or anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. It is an honor to be blogging.

So, have you ever wondered why is it that God doesn't show up when you desperately need Him to? Have you ever thought that maybe God doesn't care for you as much as He does others. You ever notice people who you have seen do wrong, on purpose getting blessed, with the things you have been praying and it makes you wonder why God has forgotten about you? Well, my sister/brother, God has not forgotten about you. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop judging others. Learn to rejoice with those who rejoice. 

Have you heard stories of people receiving good news when they were 2 seconds from quitting? Have you ever heard the word "BREAKTHROUGH?" Well, if you have, there's a reason for this word. You have to experience something to "BREAKTHROUGH," from. I have learned from experience that the harder the battle, the sweeter the "BREAKTHROUGH." I would like to encourage you tonight. God has not forgotten about you, neither does He hate you. 

See, every time we ask God for something in prayers, it is always given to us. God is always on time and never late. We are the ones who get too preoccupied with the absence of the thing we pray for and therefore, keep that thing away by our unbelief. How does this happen? We live in a Universe of attraction. We may pray for something, but if the dominant feeling in us, is that of the absence of that thing, we are saying by our vibration that we don't want it. 

I am learning to give thanks to God as though my prayers have already been answered. I let myself feel as though all that I desire of God is already available to me. I notice that the more I feel like my prayers are answered, the faster the things I pray for manifest in my life.

Love and gratitude for God and to God will put you in the best place to receive all the good that your heart desires. In closing, I would like to encourage you to believe that God's promises are for you and that they are real. This is what I have started to do more of. There's power in your praise and thanksgiving to God. Don't allow fear or doubt rob you of what is already YOURS! Believe that God always answers you and go about your day rejoicing in this knowledge and watch God do wonders in your life.

I pray that God shows up for you always in Jesus Name. Amen!

With gratitude,


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a great day, today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for visiting my blog.

The night before Levy's first day, we created a theme for him and it is #ready. He is ready!

So, my baby boy started school this week and I am so proud of him. He'd been asking to go to school for a while and I would always tell him that when the time was right, he would start. Well, the time finally came and my baby is a student. Oh my heart 😊 is so full of love and pride for my son. 

Throwback Levy at 6 months

Throwback at Levy's 4th birthday!

I prayed over him the day before school started and told him he would be amazing and there was nothing he couldn't conquer because he is God's son.

Do you pray over your kids? What do you speak over them? With my kids, since they were born, I have always prayed and prophesied life over them. This world we live in, is very negative. This negativity is in the atmosphere and all around you. You don't need anyone present to feel the negative vibrations in the air. Knowing this, I consciously speak over my children and over the places they go to because words, my words have power and I am going to use this power to command strange things to bow to me and my kids. We belong to God and no dark power is permitted near us. I hold this faith with unwavering focus because I know WHOSE I am and from whom my children came; They came from The Lord, God Almighty. 

Levy Tiger. Ironically, his middle name means "son of a Tiger"😊

Le'Veon really enjoyed his first day at school. He couldn't stop telling me about how much fun he had at school and  I am a proud mama bear. My kids know that I am proud of them and that they make me so happy. My goal and daily prayer to God is to help me raise them in the knowledge and ways of God.

I want my kids to always know that God is their Omnipresent Omnipotent Protector. God is always there and they can call on God for help and help will come.

The enemy, sometimes would want to play a trick and get me to worry but I recognize that worry is of the devil and I'd declare that God has not given me the spirit of worry. I have knowledge of my Father God, Who never sleeps nor slumbers. He will always watch over me and my children. 

I pray that all parents would recognize that the enemy tempts you with thoughts of worry and if you accept them, you give power to those negative thoughts and immediately create a negative experience for you and your kids. Don't entertain thoughts of worry. Always cover yourself and children with God's light and presence. Give thanks always for this covering and watch God step in for you and your children always.

God is good and I will always give all Glory and Thanks to God for His protection and saving grace.

With gratitude,


Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for joining me.

So, Divorce is the topic for today. Let's make it Divorce and being an African woman. According to the African culture, specifically Nigeria, when a woman gets married, she is expected to stay married forever. Women are raised to look forward to marriage and raising kids. There's a big difference between how the men are raised from how the women are raised. Men are raised to be independent, pursue careers and titles, while women are raised to prepare for marriage and child-bearing. It is a night and day difference. 

The attention I have received from my public divorce is crazy. The society expects a woman to be broken and sad when her marriage ends. As women, we are expected to conform to society's norm of being broken and walking around with a long face after a marriage ends or a relationship ends. Whereas, the man is expected to be strong and macho. Going about his business as usual like nothing happened.

Well, I refuse to be broken. I refuse to conform to society's expectation of me. In fact, I will shine my brightest yet, in this season of my life. As everyone now knows, I am not your average African woman. I won't endure pain and discomfort, hoping for a miracle. Whilst God is obviously telling me to pursue my peace and joy. I have discovered that I am a Miracle.

I no longer have to convince myself to be happy because I am happy. I have learned to be ENOUGH within myself and truly, that is liberating. The realization that I don't need a man to feel whole is truly amazing. Ok, let's face it, I am Maryam. I am a Queen. I don't live by society's or other's expectations of me. I connect to my God and follow His guidance as I go. I have always been this way; A TRUE  seeker but really needed to expand spiritually, in order to truly accept this side of me.

People's opinions are simply what they are "opinions." They don't define me. Society's expectations can not limit me. I refuse to be a robot controlled by society's buttons. Everyone of us came to this Earth to expand and create a life we love living. Whether that happens to involve others or not, we should keep moving. We can't allow people or things to keep us from creating a life that is full of joy and sweetness.

I am grateful to God for this awakening and the Grace to stay grounded in God. This truly is my biggest blessing. All of society's rules and expectations are limits, if we accept them without questioning,they become imposed on us. Every limiting belief you accept, becomes a part of your experience. 

Many African women stay in difficult/abusive marriages because of the fear of what people might say, the fear of being alone and almost always because of their children. For me, for the sake of my positive energy and my kids, I am embracing this new life. I want my kids to feel the right energy around them and truly learn about their true identity in God. 

Having peace is priceless. Having joy is priceless. These qualities are all part of who we are and nothing or anyone should be allowed to steal our joy.

Today, as I write this post, I chose peace, I choose joy and most of all, I choose me.

Society can have it's expectations and people can have their biases. In the grand scheme of things, it all doesn't matter until I allow it. I, MARYAM aka Maryam's Joyful Life, refuse to allow anyone or thing steal my joy.

With gratitude,


Monday, August 10, 2020



Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are y'all doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you all for visiting my blog today.

I did a video a few days ago, showcasing my scarves collection. In that video, I promised to make a post with links to purchase the dresses I wore on the video. Please, look below for the links to the dresses I wore in the video.

White Mesh Floral Sleeve Bodycon Dress

My beads are from my store: Get 10% off your order: MARYAMSJOYFULLIFE10

Black Belted Bodycon Midi Dress:

I hope that this blog helps you find your next favorite dress.

In case you missed the video of my head scarves, here's the link:

With love and gratitude,




Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are you all doing today? I hope you're all having a great day and are not letting anyone or thing steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day!

So, I love visiting new places and experiencing new cultures. I have been looking at a few places I would love to visit soon for a while now. Each time I think about these places, I get excited and hopeful. Do you like to travel? Have you ever been to any of these places?

One day, I'll take a picture beside the Eiffel Tower with my kids by my side.

When I think about Paris, France, I think about love. I love the feeling of love and the warmth that comes from knowing that I am loved unconditionally by God. The thought of going to Paris makes me giddy. I want to visit the City of Love already. I will be bringing my kids with me of course. I want to travel the world with my sweet babies. I want them to grow up with a great experience of the world and an informed view of how this world is. The beauty in the different places we visit. The excitement of meeting new people and experiencing new cultures makes me smile. I would love to eat some French foods. I haven't had French cuisine in a long time. I should probably order some soon. Lol...

Have you ever been to Paris? Do you currently live in Paris? What's your advice for me?

I would love to visit Dubai, UAE. Dubai is a very beautiful city and visiting Dubai would be a dream come true for me. I have been watching Dubai Tourism videos and influencers' videos for about a year now and I am so ready to experience this Oasis already. I would love to eat some amazing Middle-eastern foods and tour the deserts. I think the Burj Al Arab is absolutely amazing and would love to experience it with my kids. Ohh the Burj Khalifa is a sight to see for sure. I would love to tour it too.

I would love to stay at the Burj, Al Arab with my kids when we visit Dubai.

Gorgeous view of Dubai.

I believe Dubai is a city that anyone should try to visit at least once. The beautiful architecture and landscape of Dubai are calling for me to visit. I appreciate nature and creativity. Dubai is an epitome of modern creativity and beauty. I am excited to visit Dubai.

I would visit the Coliseum in Rome. 

Rome, Italy is another city I would love to visit with my children. When I think about Rome, I think about the city of God. I think about supernatural activities and God's marvelous acts. I would love to visit this ancient city with my kids, to experience the ancient trails of divine acts and see the amazing architecture and the church. It will be a life-changing experience for sure. I feel a longing to expand more spiritually and going to Rome, will be a blessing. I also look forward to eating some good Italian food.

I believe the more we travel and experience different peoples and cultures, our view of the world expands and we see life not from a limited perspective but from a broad perspective. I love the beauty in diversity. It just shows how amazing our God is.  God is truly amazing and I am still in awe of His Mighty works in my life.

When the opportunities to visit these places present themselves, I will embrace them with all of my heart and I will bring my camera with me. Capturing my experiences in video and pictures would enable me provide information that will inspire others. For this reason, I can't wait. I would love to inspire others to pursue their dreams of traveling. Travelling does expand our worldview and helps us think more inclusively.

Thank you so much for reading my blog today. I am grateful for you. Please come back again.

With gratitude,


Saturday, August 8, 2020


Hello wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are y'all doing today? I hope you're all having an amazing day today and are not letting anyone steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day. Thank you for being a part of my world.

I love food! Food is good to me. Do you love food? Is food good to you? I hope so. I love cooking and enjoying my food too. 

Today's post is about food. I love food and I love sharing my food.

My Easy Meat Sauce for Spaghetti is a win anytime in my kitchen. My kids love it and I believe yours will too. There are days I want to spend a whole lotta time in the kitchen and then there are days when I want to spend only a few minutes in the kitchen. This Sauce is very time-saving and delicious.

What You Will Need:

A Jar of Spaghetti Marinara Sauce

2/3 Cup of Chopped Onions

1 tablespoon Chopped Garlic

A pinch of Salt

A sprinkle of Italian Seasoning

1/2 tablespoon Sugar(optional)

1 pound ground beef

1/2 cup water

Get a saucepan,  place on stove at medium high heat

Put  your ground beef in the pot and stir for about 5 minutes.

Then add your onions and garlic. Stir pot's content until onion is translucent and ground beef is fully cooked. Then drain the grease out. Some people like to rinse meat to remove all excess grease from meat but I don't because you lose the flavor. In stead, I drain the grease out.

Place pot back on the stove at medium heat and add your seasoning. Stir until all of your seasonings have blended in. 

Next add your marinara sauce and stir until ingredients are perfectly combined. Then add your sure and water. Stir once again and cover pot and let cook for 10 minutes or until the oil is bouncing at the top.

Turnoff stove and let sauce sit for 5 minutes and you are ready to serve on your favorite pasta.

I hope this was helpful. Please enjoy and come back for more recipes.

With gratitude,




It's 6:00 AM and I'm by the Lake ready to pray and meditate

What's up wonderful, amazing, sweet and lovely people. How are y'all doing today? I hope you all are having an amazing day, today and are not letting anyone or situation steal your joy. Welcome to Maryam's Joyful Life. Today is a beautiful day! Thank you all for checking out my blog today.

So, the last few days I had felt clouded in my head and around me. The Spirit was speaking to me and I felt like I was being defiant. I had being thinking about my new work schedule and a few other business ventures I have stepped into and the more I thought about them, the more this dark cloud filled my space. Being as spiritually sensitive as I am, I knew that I had to get out in nature and pray and meditate.

Sometimes, when you are confused and indecisive, the outdoors are calling. The best way to clear your mind and dispel the darkness is by getting out in nature and breathing in that sweet and clear fresh air.

So, I woke up at 6:00 AM and drove to the park. I went to the lakeside, surrounded by nature and began to pray to my Heavenly Father. I thanked Him for all that He's done for me and protected me from. I just began to flow in the Spirit because that's my ground and I can't get enough of the Spirit. My very existence depends on the Spirit of God.

I surrendered all that had been bothering me and all of my and desires to God. I told God that I am aware of His presence and guidance in my life and that I want Him to take absolute charge of my very existence and journey here on earth. I talked to God as both my Father and my Savior.

I didn't care that there were people jogging and exercising around me. I was focused on my Father and that's how I always want to be. I don't want to live my life worrying about what people think or expect of me. At this moment, it is obvious to me and all who follow me that God is with me. That's all I really care about. In caring about how my Heavenly Father sees me and wants of me, I naturally am able to do for others what I would love them to do for me.

As I walked around the Lake praying, I could feel the heaviness move away and my mind refocused. It was as if a heavy load had just been lifted off of me and I have been lighter and more joyful since that day.

After my prayer and surrender to God, I went for a run and I sprinted about 10X up the hill and it felt great! When I got done, I sat beside the hill and meditated. The people passing by might have thought I was crazy or weird, but to me, it didn't matter.

After me workout, I felt very refreshed...

Today, I want you to know that God is always near you. Going to an open space where it's just you and God, really does wonders to your mind and soul. Try it and see for yourself.

Coming back home to my sweet babies is always the best!

Thank you for reading my blog today. You're awesome!

With gratitude,
